Hey! I'm back early! [17]

Posted by Nighthawk on June 12, 2007, 9:51 p.m.

Well, I'm back sooner than I thought, judging from the comments I got on my last entry, not a lot of you missed me… Oh well!

We had a contest to see who could make the best game in one hour, this was my entry:


The deadline is long over, but hopefully they (when I say they, I mean I, because I'm one of the admins. [:P]) will let the entry count anyway. If you'd like to try and get in a last minute entry, give feedback, or later on, vote, here's the topic:


If you do join, and an admin doesn't validate you after a few hours, just post a comment here, or PM me, and I'll activate you. [:)]

Obviously, no progress was made on Element while I was away, but I did start on The Platforming Skills Test 2 right before I got grounded left. It's going to be bigger and better than the first, and have more sig stat ranks, and an online highscore board! Heres a couple early screenshots:

Fixes lots of the things people just didn't get about the first one, like how the score stayed the same until the end, and how it didn't show exactly how much damage you accumulated. No one seems to understand my art. [:P]

When I finish this, or maybe even sooner, I'll release the source code to the original here, as the old sig stats will be obsolete anyway. [;)]

…Was that too long? On a scale of 1 to 10:

One being so short that it's just spam.

Ten being so long you could fit 100 entries into it.

Five being perfect.

What do you rate this entry?


s 17 years, 8 months ago


Those textures are srta ugly,eh?(Including that font,all round and all)

Nighthawk 17 years, 8 months ago

Mmmmm… I agree, I think I'll fix those up, eh?

Rob 17 years, 8 months ago


…of doom!