My DS Stylus Died... :'( [17]

Posted by Nighthawk on June 15, 2007, 9:16 p.m.

We'll get to the title, but first, let's talk about other things.

This is a screenshot for my new highly polished project… Yes, I know, it's only a menu screen so far, but do you like the style?

If for some reason (Like 64D being weird) the above image doesn't show, just click this link:

Okay… Now that I've revealed my special project, we can move on to what the title was about:

When playing games on your DS, where do you store your stylus? You probably keep it in the DS, right? But what about when you play those games that make you switch between stylus and buttons so much? The slot takes too long in a heated Wi-fi battle, or final boss, you need quick access to your stylus without it hindering your chances of success! So… I store mine… In my mouth… Today, the top of it just fell off in my mouth, poor stylus, shall we give it a proper burial?


Mynameisonic 17 years, 8 months ago

The game - I like the style, but the font could be better. What's the game about? =/

Your DS - Well, if you were L33T like me, you could just hold it between your fingers while pressing buttons =)

Alx 17 years, 8 months ago


The same thing happened to mine, but I still use it even with all the bite marks XD!

Nighthawk 17 years, 8 months ago

The game - I like the style, but the font could be better. What's the game about? =/

It's going to be one of those games with organisms that grow. But a lot more hands on, and you really only have one with the rest belonging to other players. (Maybe, otherwise I'll just use AI)

Your DS - Well, if you were L33T like me, you could just hold it between your fingers while pressing buttons =)

I used to, but I'm too lazy to keep doing that. [:P]


The same thing happened to mine, but I still use it even with all the bite marks XD!

I would, but I have a spare… For now. [;)]

Kenon 17 years, 8 months ago

Just buy a new one. I've run through 8 like that.

Alx 17 years, 8 months ago

My other one got ate by the couch and they don't make the ones that fit in to the normal DS anymore.

Kenon 17 years, 8 months ago

they DON'T?

Holy shit!

Oh well. Do what I did.


Kairos 17 years, 8 months ago

My other one got ate by the couch and they don't make the ones that fit in to the normal DS anymore.
*Eaten. Yes, I just HAD to.

And The style looks pretty funky, are you going for a cartoony look?

Rob 17 years, 8 months ago

I lost that DS pen thingy a while ago, I jsut use a dull, soft pencil. It doesn't scratch it or anything, if you use a soft, rounded lead.

Rob 17 years, 8 months ago

WTF they don't fit in the old DS's WTF thats retarded!!!

Nighthawk 17 years, 8 months ago

I like the lite ones better anyway.