Ah, 64D is up! For now… I'll have to move quick before it goes down again! [:S]

So you remember when I posted Squeebs as game of the day? (Which is a segment that died after two days.) Well, now I'm a staff member! Yep, pretty cool huh? Unfortunately, their forums kinda got hacked by some n00b, so we're in the process of relocating the whole forum. He deleted everything in the News, General, Troubleshooting, and Support topics, and banned all the admins, not fun. [:O]
On the bright side, I'm going to show you ALL the music I composed for it, on the condition that if you use it I have permission to sue you! Just kidding, but really, don't use it, I made it for Squeebs only.
http://kajek.ipbfree.com/index.php?showtopic=16EDIT: Oops, just realized, you have to register to see them there, so I'll just post them here directly…
In other GM gaming related news, have you played JakeX's new game sensation? No, not ST! That's yesterday's news, today the game is Project Scarlet! It's an action platformer with pixel art graphics, and stunning particle effects! If you like ST you should try this, it's fun!
http://forums.reflectgames.com/viewtopic.php?t=813(By the way, it's worth the extra wait to get the one with Music.)
I think I might like it even better than ST already! [^^]
Still haven't gotten my GM7 reg key, I know, I'm so lazy. Don't worry, I'll get it… Eventually…
And my new best web surfing buddy is McAffe siteadvisor! I don't visit a page without it anymore, thanks to my handy Firefox extension! It's very useful, it even puts a little icon by sites in Google, that tells you if a site is safe or not! [^^]
http://www.siteadvisor.com/Sometimes, I find it entertaining to search for a site you've never visited, just to see if it's okay or not. So I actually LOOK for bad sites! Cool huh? But some of them actually surprised me…
That's because they're all playing PS obviously. [^^]