Hey! [17]

Posted by Nighthawk on Feb. 14, 2008, 4:35 p.m.

So I won the contest! Yay! I took a short break, but now I'm working on Experimental: Rebirth, basically Experimental 1.5. It's what I WOULD'VE done with the original if I had unlimited time and dialog basically. So far I have a vague idea of the rest of the plot, (Yes, the story will continue.) started on sprites for the other character, and a working Parallax Background engine! (Thanks to luda for the idea on backgrounds!) Want to know the story in a nutshell? I'll tell you, but warning, SPOILERS! Highlight the following:


So basically, starting from where the ending left off, you play through the same game again as the green guy, but with harder enemies, slightly rearranged obstacles, etc. The cutscenes this time are with the blue guy, but he's starting to realize what's going on. First, it seems just Deja vu, but he starts to realize for a fact he's been here before, not just once, but several times. It leads to a showdown, just like last time, this time the boss is harder. But come the end, the green guy is given a choice, and he doesn't deliver the final blow, some unknown guy shows up, and urges him to do it, when he doesn't, he kills the blue guy. Of course, the green guy drags him to the lab, but the machine is gone! The guy, who is by this point obviously the real villain has it in his truck, at which point he tells how it all started, apparently, he was the murder who killed the blue guy in the first place, and unknowingly started a cycle. The green guy built the re animation machine, built to save people who are inches from death, but you all know what happened. Apparently with each cycle, the machine was perfected more and more, and by now actually enhanced the abilities of anyone who it was used on. (Hence the blue/green guy's unique powers.) So the villain realized he could use it for his own gain, and directed the cycle to continue, until one day, it might bring them back with their memories intact, at which point he could take it, and use it on himself to be more powerful than ever thought possible, at which point he could concur the world. (A little cliche, I know, but it works) He takes off with the machine, at which point, the green guy kneels over his fallen comrade, and discovers he is still alive, he brings him into the hospital, where he is revived just in the nick of time. They then join forces to stop the villain before it's too late!


Wow, that was long! XD

Feel free to comment, was it lame, or cool? Just don't quote it in case anyone wants to keep it a surprise! I'll post screenies when there's something new to show.

Anyway, there are a couple great GM games on 64Digits I'd like to promote this time. The first I intended to promote LAST time, but I forgot:

Cell Burst

Is an awesome soldat style platform shooter! It was originally dubbed Emoticon Tournament 2, but has since been put into a series of it's own. It's a lot of fun, and I highly recommend it, great job elmernite!



Rouge Guardian

I'm not usually a fan of creepy games, but I really enjoyed this! This is the first game of REZ's (Clay) games I've played, and it was just plain cool! My only issue with it was that Level 2 was REALLY hard, other than that, great game, again, I recommend it!


And as for the random part, I am pleased to announce I will soon be a Modreator! Yep, a Modreator! Nope, I spelled it right, no need to correct me. Basically I get a spiffy badge, and I get to comment on entries, play the games on the front page, and when I post an entry, you can read it! Basically, everything I could already do, plus a badge. Still can't believe I was fooled by that! :P


elmernite 17 years ago

Thanks for the CB comment!

Look forward to Experimental 1.5. Name even sounds cool!


chiggerfruit 17 years ago

Huh i totally defaced your first blog. Wow that was a long time ago. Good memories.

Cpsgames 16 years, 12 months ago

Congrats on the contest!