12000 HITS, and other stories. [17]

Posted by Nighthawk on Feb. 29, 2008, 1:15 p.m.

Woo! I finally broke 12k hits! Sorry I didn't get a screenshot, I did try to. I'm officially… A… 12k hits member? Well whatever, I have 12k hits, I got my badge, let's move on to other stories.

So I'm already working on Experimental x2. I know, I haven't even finished v1.5 of the original, but don't worry, I'm not going to start on the single player mode until I'm done with that. Nope, for now I'm working on the platform engine and online. 39dll is really frustrating, I had it working flawlessly with two players, but I add support for a third and it goes haywire! Still working on it, but when I get a version that works, and works well, I may post it here.

So 9 more days until the big Brawl release, I'm excited as ever… Not really much to say in this topic that I haven't already said…

OH yes, the video. Well, ever noticed how dumb the computer players get on the Saffron City stage in SSB64? It's actually pretty funny. Here I am taking on a team of level 9 CPUs, not some wimpy Jigglypuffs, but three tough assorted level 9 CPUs. It sounds hard, but not on THIS stage, because on THIS stage they act really weird. Running into walls, falling on their own, that sort of thing. Well, enjoy:


ESA 16 years, 12 months ago

Still no prize? That sucks…

Nighthawk 16 years, 12 months ago

Yeah, whether I'll ever get it or not is unknown… It's sort of like V3. :P

By the way, anyone notice the new banner?

ESA 16 years, 12 months ago

Heheh… stealth bomber. I love it, especially since my dad is a pilot. Looks really good.

PY 16 years, 12 months ago

I noticed the banner, it's cool.

Damnit, I want brawl!

KaBob799 16 years, 12 months ago

I still cant figure out why saffron city (and other original levels) isnt in SSBM or SSBB. They were so much fun.

Nighthawk 16 years, 11 months ago

Yeah, it was a lot better than any of the other N64 Stages they featured.