So here's my reviews:
The boss by meow44:First impression is that despite a resolution change, it's windowed, and goes across the whole screen, I don't know why, but this bugs me, there is the option to fullscreen it though, so no points taken away for this, still bugged me, but maybe it's just my OCD again… Anyway, second impression is a weird menu system, you don't click the buttons, or select one with your arrow keys, but rather drive your spaceship into them, and press the fire button. Apparently it's 3D, but ti doesn't look 3D at a glance at first without tilting the camera, which makes the game very hard to play, so you probably won't want to, although the graphics on the mines and boss look very 3D. The Models are fine, it's the textures that seem chunky to me, especially on the ship. As for the gameplay, it's a pretty basic shooter, you get attack and defense powerups, but nothing to change your weapon which was a mild to moderate disappointment. There is only one type of enemy and one type of obstacle as well. The boss itself is VERY nice looking actually, it has separate moving parts too. Unfortunately you won't have much time to look at it because as soon as you enter the battle it unleashes a massive laser that'll probably be a one hit kill unless you're at near 100% defense, and even then it can be if you don't move. On top of that it has a TON more HP than you, and is overall ridiculously hard to kill. Summary:This game is 3D, which is nice, but it lacks polish and variety. It gets an A for effort, but it's just not enough to win this competition. The Graphics were so-so, some good some not so good, the gameplay would've been repetitive if this game lasted more than the 3-5 minutes it takes, and I forgot one thing in the review, absolutely NO SOUND. I'm afraid it's just average, more could've been done in the two weeks given. Nice attempt, but this is actually the least professional game in the contest.Gameplay: 6/10Graphics: 7/10Sound: N/AReplay Value: 8/10 ('Cause you're almost guaranteed to lose the first few times.)Overall: 7/10homeland's end by mesenberg (My score: 1863)First impression, a simple menu, but it works, and looks alright. And a mute button, that means there's sound, or at least music. (YAY!) We fade in, and I see a cannon, and a little + that marks where the mouse is, OH BOY, A MISSILE COMMAND GAME! A bunch of airplanes fly in from the side and you have to shoot 'em down so they don't blow up the city! Unfortunately they appear to drop bombs right after they appear, and it takes a while for your shots to get there so it feels like there's nothing you can do to save the city. The only way to STOP them from dropping bombs is to just guess where they'll appear and shoot at the edge of the screen. There's a little bar by your cannon which appears to be your ammo, but it doesn't seem to do anything as you can still fire at a rapid pace when the bar is at 0%. There are some nice transitions in the time of day, and of the city going from a peaceful little town to a heap of rubble. Many of the effects are built in particles, but they're used well. Seems really nice at first, but it gets to be something of a chore after a while, which is again, due to lack of variety. You actually feel relieved when the city is destroyed because your finger gets a rest.Overall: Great effort, and very polished, but the gameplay is once again lacking. You fingers get tired and you're glad when your city is destroyed, which is not a good thing. Big improvement over Poesworld though. Hehe…Gameplay: 6/10Graphics: 9/10 (Would've been 10 but the built in particles don't fit so well.)Sound: 7/10Replay Value: 6/10 (Afterwards you're too tired to play again. XD)Overall: 7.5/10Shield Breaker by Scott_AW
WOO Shieled Breaker! :D
Oops, didn't notice I included my score in the zip :P
Good reviews :Dhurray!
A note on homelands end is that I really didnt put much time into it because of school and my game for the yoyo competition so thats why it really wasnt all that great, just thought i'd make that note.It's okay, but my review was on the game's quality overall, not based on quality relative to the time spent on it. It was a fine game, I just think it could've been better. ;)
Nice, your opinions are my opinions.