Sprite a Boss*, win a prize**! (Contest)*** [17]

Posted by Nighthawk on April 21, 2008, 9:47 p.m.

*Boss must be better than all other competitor's bosses as judged by the staff and members of the Element Online community

**Prize varies depending on number of entrants, so invite everyone you think you can beat! No one who's better than you though of course, you do want to WIN right? :P

***We are not liable for any cramps, blisters, or carpel tunnel syndrome that may occur as a result of this contest, we are also not liable if you starve yourself or die of thirst due to non-stop spriting. Restrictions apply results may vary.

Hehe, yeah, a spriting contest! I'm giving out some fancy prizes to the winner if we get a lot of entries in, the highest of which will involve a custom made character sprite in game (A unique character in game, designed by YOU!), elite member status on the forums (You get access to the staff chat section, woo!), and a special banner! If your entry is REALLY good and we don't get a lot of participants, we might give you a better prize anyway.

This is, of course, primarily a way to promote the game and get some active members before the big release date! Which is… Um… Whenever…

Here's the topic: http://www.kajekgames.com/eo/forums/index.php?showtopic=70

Well I don't want this whole entry to be an advertisement, I have a zero warn, and intend to keep it that way. I've been playing a lot of Super Smash Bros Brawl lately, and I'm tired of losing to my clan members all the time, and I'd like to beat someone, so if you're up for a game of that PM me! My friend code is:


Oh, and I just noticed (Actually, I've known for like 24 hours, but that is beside the point.) that I have 14k hits! Not exactly a milestone, but it's a multiple of 1000, so I just had to announce it. HAPPY 14k ME! I officially have more hits than you, unless of course you have more hits than me, or on the off chance you have the same amount, in which case congratulations to you too!

SPEAKING of Brawl, and Hits, I have something about BOTH, yes, BOTH! Remember my Shoop Da Whoop Brawl video?… Probably not… But IT has over 2k hits now! Congratulations to that, here it is if you forgot. (Which I just KNOW you did!):


Nighthawk 16 years, 8 months ago

Hm… Well if you wanted your custom character could be a pickled otter… :)