In need of ADMINS, first comment gets...

Posted by Nighthawk on May 20, 2008, 12:20 a.m.

Absolutely… NOTHING! Gotcha! I got another hit from that, so I'm happy. I don't really need an admin! If you make the 30th comment without double posting, I'll make you a banner though. :)

So what's up? I did some lawn mowing today, worked on Element a bit, overall just a pretty average day though. Not bad, not great either though. Just kinda… Meh…

Guess what, I'm creeping up on 16k Hits, HAHAHAHAHAHA! Wasn't it just a couple entries ago I was celebrating my 15000th hit? I have to just stop reading how many hits I have. It's bad for me, I can tell it's doing bad things for my body… Like, making me hungry… Really hungry…. Thirsty too…

Oh right, I played Tales of Symphonia again for the first time in a couple months. Me and my sister want to get good enough to start posting no damage and Mania/Unknown difficulty battles on Youtube for ToS and TotA. The Tales series really is great, anyone who says Final Fantasy is better either hasn't played a Tales game, or just has no taste in games! :P

Okay, to wrap things up, here's a video of what I got done in Element Online today. Here's the discription:

I edited a few stats for the video, yes, it is impossible to have 1337 HP by level 19. I just wanted to be able to beat the boss this video. :

Anyway, this video shows the beginning of what will be the first city. It was in the older versions, but as the game is being redone, so is the game's environment. The boss in this video is the self proclaimed "Master of Dimensions". He appears randomly as a server event, and yes, that means he is a server sided enemy. He'll be MUCH hard when I release this publicly, but I made him a bit weaker so I could beat him here. As you can see his AI is way more advanced than any of the enemies added yet. (It's no chess bot, but I think I did okay on him.)

He does look a bit like an evil version of my character doesn't he? Well I'd explain why, but it would spoil some of the storyline… Besides, the storyline isn't even 5% done. wink.gif

If you want to try this game, go to our forums, and ask the members in the shoutbox on the bottom of the page how to set it up. We have really nice members, who will most likely be happy to help you!

Element Online forums:

And of course, the video itself:


Kenon 16 years, 8 months ago

Hi. Also, nice? You have way too much speed stat XD.

firestormx 16 years, 8 months ago

You bastard. I came here expecting to help someone, and now that I can't, you've left me with an incredible sense of emptiness.

Nighthawk 16 years, 8 months ago

Hehehehehehe… I'm so cruel… ^_^

Dom 16 years, 8 months ago

your emptiness is only the beggining of your demise

SquareWheel 16 years, 8 months ago

It was obviosely a trick blog title, but I was wondering what the lame "GOT YOU!" would be.

mrmediocrity 16 years, 8 months ago


abacus 16 years, 8 months ago

I just wanted to read instead of homeworking.

Mat 16 years, 8 months ago

Wow, element Online looks… boring.

F1ak3r 16 years, 8 months ago

Is it just me, or have you been progressively losing your sanity? I almost mistook you for Xxypher when I read the first bit of the blog.

Nighthawk 16 years, 8 months ago

Wow, element Online looks… boring.

Well it isn't finished yet… Still, put it next to the leading GMMMORPG, Stick Online, and EO's pretty fast paced. I have received some criticism on the game, but you are actually the first to say it's boring.

Is it just me, or have you been progressively losing your sanity? I almost mistook you for Xxypher when I read the first bit of the blog.

No… I've just been lazy with Game Maker lately so I'm running low on content, hence why I've been filling it with blah lately… =/