What's up?

Posted by Nighthawk on June 9, 2008, 4:23 p.m.

So the end of the school year ends at 4:00 PM tomorrow for me, I'm excited, no more school work for three whole months! Yay!

And we got a TON of new players on Element yesterday, I'm really glad the update went so well, this is the kind of thing that motivates me to work on it. Of course, somebody's already beaten the hardest boss in the game so far without taking a single hit! It took him two and a half minutes, but very impressive. I'm gonna have to make some more challenging stuff next update.


Speaking of that, I decided to try my hand at chiptunes today. I've been using stuff I found on chiptunes.org for Element, but I'd like to start learning how to make my own too. Here's what I came up with after a half hour of playing with Modplug Tracker:


I think it's okay, nothing amazing, but not bad for a first, right?

Anyhow, I'm taking Japanese as one of my classes in college this year. I'm required to take a foreign language for two years to get into a university. PLUS, now no more waiting for US releases of video games! Killing two birds with one stone, yay! :D

Anyway, that guy who beat the boss without taking any damage, blueflare, recorded a video of him doing it, so I'm gonna use it for today's youtube video:


marbs 16 years, 8 months ago

I still have 6 more weeks of school, then I only get 6 weeks for summer holidays.

PY 16 years, 8 months ago

I have left school, then get 11 weeks of holiday :)

Zac1790 16 years, 8 months ago


Graydon 16 years, 8 months ago

PLUS, now no more waiting for US releases of video games! Killing two birds with one stone, yay! :D

Chuck Norris kills two stones with one bird.

Snakeman 16 years, 8 months ago

I also beat the boss with no hits too. I finally got the perfect way to do it down. :D

Cpsgames 16 years, 8 months ago

Hmm japanese, cool. I wanted to learn it one time but i'm just going to take 2 years of german.