Contest Entry Reviews #3

Posted by Nighthawk on Nov. 12, 2008, 6:44 p.m.

Run Boy Run - Acid

What was there was alright, but that's just it, there wasn't much there. There is only one small level, in which you do nothing but run from a bunch of predictable zombies. Nothing surprises you, nothing changes, you just keep running in circles until you mess up. The graphics were okay, but that was pretty much it for me.

Gameplay: 6/10

Graphics: 8/10

Sound/Music: N/A

Overall: 7

Pumpkin Launch - Go Bologna

Lots of cool stuff in here, but the game itself takes no longer than a minute to play, usually much shorter than that even. Simply choose an angle, charge the cannon, and fire. There is no target or objective, just launch it as far as you can. The actual game is very short, but there are some things that make the game fun. You can customize your pumpkin, and try to beat your best launch. The graphics are acceptable, but nothing spectacular, the music isn't great, but it fits the mood, and the game can be funny at times.

Gameplay: 7/10

Graphics: 8/10

Sound/Music: 7.5/10

Overall: 7.5/10

Reaper Z - Juju

First impression is good. The graphics are pretty average, though the gore 'physics' are done very well, and make kills very satisfying. The engine is relatively smooth, but as fa as gameplay goes, it gets a little repetitive. You go from room to room, shooting zombies whole all do the same thing, with the same gun throughout, very little variation. The sounds are great, and so is the music. Overall, one of the better entries, but it could be better.

Gameplay: 8/10

Graphics: 8/10

Sound/Music: 9/10 (10 - 1 for unoriginality.)

Overall: 8.3/10

10800 Zombies - JW

In all honesty, this is my favorite game (besides my own of course, but that's not because mine is necessarily better.) in the whole competition! Though simplistic, the graphics all fit, and provide a polished experience. The blood looks just plain cool. The engine is polished, and smooth. The controls feel natural too. The music goes great with the game, and is done very well too. All in all, awesome entry, and probably my biggest competition.

Gameplay: 10/10

Graphics: 9/10

Sound/Music: 9/10

Overall: 9.5/10

Death's Brother - meow44

Another good one. This game is REALLY short, but what is there is great. This is by far, the largest game in terms of filesize, despite being so short gameplay wise, so you know who to blame for the long download time. (<_<) Anyway, down to business, the graphics and sound together make this what is probably the creepiest game in the competition, so kudos to Meow there. The graphics themselves are pretty good, and detailed, you can actually see the zombie's brains fly out when you kill them. The gameplay is good, but I'm not fond of the spacebar as a fire key. The music is great, it's not original, as it was taken from newgrounds, but it is very good, and probably worth the long download. Overall, very good, my favorite after 10800 zombies.

Gameplay: 8.5/10

Graphics: 8.5/10

Sound/Music: 9/10 (10 - 1 for unoriginality.)

Overall: 8.75/10

If You Die in a Dream - Nighthawk

This is probably the best game of all time. The creator of SSBB wet his pants when he played this, the creators of Halo burst into tears and considered suicide. Chuck Norris plays this for inspiration before he roundhouse kicks anyone. It has inspired 24 bestselling novels and 7 blockbuster hits. If this game was finished by now, it would become powerful enough to rule the entire world, maybe even the universe, so good thing it's a WIP.

Overall: 1337/10

Zombie Pile - Siert

Good game, pretty well polished, but all in all, short and too little variation. The concept is good though, and the online scores was a good move. It'd say this game ranks up there with Basil's Avatar; it's short, and small, but addictive.

Gameplay: 8/10

Graphics: 9/10

Sound/Music: N/A

Overall: 8.5/10

Nightmare Manor - tahnok100

First, I must say, this game looks very cool, it's longer than most if not all of the other entries, and unlike most, it doesn't get repetitive. So what WAS wrong with it? For starters, the controls, they're innovative and fun to play with, but get clunky when trying to jump from platform to platform or avoid enemies. Second, though most of the graphics are nice, there are some buttons and stuff that look very… What's the word… Old? It reminds me of old shareware games from the mid 90s. Overall, it's good, but there are some unpolished things that make the game seem cheesy. The character animations, on the other hand, are very smooth, as are some of the other objects. The music is also cheesy, but it fits well. I suppose this could all be some sort of theme, so I won't rate based on that.

Gameplay: 8/10

Graphics: 8.5/10

Sound/Music: 8.5/10

Overall: 8.25/10

Overall, most of the entries were good, too bad there were only eight of them.


CoolGamrSms 16 years, 3 months ago

Make ur revewws phair meany >=(

Good reviews.

SteveKB 16 years, 3 months ago

yay I got a better score that last time. But my self-aware computer tells me it's biased D: even if just a little bit XD. He also says that if you were killed in a dream review was extremely bias too :D.

also just to clarify you can download my game without music in a link I made in the news post :p

Siert 16 years, 3 months ago

Your game reminded me of Click.

Also, try the finished version of my game:


F1ak3r 16 years, 3 months ago

You were too cruel to that dream one. =D

Ferret 16 years, 2 months ago

How could chuck norris play your game?

Chuck Norris doesn't play games, he just wins…

Nighthawk 16 years, 2 months ago

Because, it was THAT good. And don't tell Chuck Norris what he can and can't do.

frenchcon1 16 years, 2 months ago

There's a new 40k hits badge.