When did 64Digits die?

Posted by Nighthawk on May 15, 2010, 10:49 p.m.

I leave the site for a few short months and this is what happens? It's all my fault! I'm so sorry!


Anyway, life's been… Well, life. I have been behind on all my game projects, mainly due to Calculus II. I came into this class expecting to do just fine. After all, it's math, since when has just plain old math been a problem? Calculus II will be a breeze, right?

For the first half of this class, I seriously struggled. Right off the bat, I'm thrust into an annoying lesson about approximating the area under a curve. I had trouble figuring it out, but I figured this is just approximation, and we learn how to get exact values in the next lesson, so I can just forgive this little mishap and be on my merry way. After all, we'll never see THIS again in the class, right?

Well, we actually saw it again multiple times, so of course I struggled whenever it came up. On top of that, exact integrals weren't going any better. I was constantly two lessons behind the rest of the class. I did not do so well on the first test. But hey, this is just one test, we'll get six of them, and the lowest score is dropped. The next chapter doesn't seem that relevant to this one anyway, I'm sure I'll be able to understand that much better… Right?

Lesson six was a nightmare, the whole class struggled with it, and since I was already struggling, it was all the worse for me. This was the point at which I started to do something quite foreign to me. Something drastic, unexpected, and original: I studied the material. While I was starting to feel a little bit better about it, I was still having problems, and got a D on my chapter 6 test. I studied chapter 7 very hard, and had resolved that because we get our tests back on the last day for withdrawal, I would decide whether or not to drop the class based on that. Any less than an 80%, and I would drop it. I was spending over four hours a day on Calculus now, but it paid off, because I got a 94% on my chapter 7 exam.

So I'm quite happy about that. Still need to study if I want to get a 3.X in this class, though. My other two classes are as easy as can be. My "Computer Information Systems" class would be more aptly named "Computers For Dummies." Chemistry 121 is pretty easy too, not much homework, and I enjoy the lab work a lot. (Especially when we light things on fire and play with radioactive chemicals.)

I also got Plants vs. Zombies recently, which is a lot of fun. I have't beaten it yet, I think I'm on level 5-7. If anyone here hasn't heard of it, you should Google it, it's really worth a try, and the free demo lets you play a generous 25 levels.

Lastly, I am going to be house sitting for some relatives soon. They'll be gone a whole month, and I get to watch their 52" HDTV with Satellite TV a Blu-Ray Player and Surround Sound for them… Yeah, it's pretty much going to be the best month of my life. :D

I know this blog will probably get tagged because it is so short, but I'm sure that because the site is so active lately, it'll just get bumped off the front page by the torrent of blogs being posted by all the lively members first. :P


Castypher 14 years, 9 months ago

Nighthawk. I love you. <3

That's right, you made games, huh? I've been thinking that more games are something we need, so get back to work, slave.

DesertFox 14 years, 9 months ago

Although now we got a fresh crop of trolls and whiners.

Yeah, we didn't harvest in time, and some went bad.

Tasm 14 years, 9 months ago

No, the problem with this site is that all the mods have turned into power-hungry overzealous faggots.

MMOnologueguy 14 years, 9 months ago

You mean they started enforcing a rule or two every once in a while?

Cesque 14 years, 9 months ago

No, the problem with this site is that all the mods have turned into power-hungry overzealous faggots.

I love you, mike. I love you so much I'm going to add you to my friendlist just to listen to your UBIQUITOUS RAGE.

Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago

nah, mike is right for some of the mods.