Wow, this is still here.

Posted by Nighthawk on June 27, 2012, 3:52 a.m.

Hey guys, long time no see. I expected this site to be dead but I see pretty much the same group of people here as when I left. Cool beans.

Is everyone here still doing Game Maker or have you all migrated to something else? I'm trying to move away from Game Maker but meh, it works and I can work with it. Although truth be told, I haven't made much in a long time, been busy with classes, failing with women and… Playing lots of video games. :D

I am kind of off-working on a game right now though. Remember Element? Probably not. One of the mods brought it back wit a fancy new engine so I have my fingers in that to keep it legit.

I'm also officially taking comp sci classes now. They're pretty cool. I like being required to use a computer to do my homework, makes it really convenient to google things.

So yeah, not much is new with me. Basically same-old same-old. I might post some stuff over the summer. Financial aid doesn't support summer classes so I have some time and will probably make some games. Good to visit the site again, congrats to the staff for not exploding the servers in my absence.


Rob 12 years, 8 months ago

Why do people keep expecting us to be dead? You're not the only one. :/

Oh, Gee, it couldn't have been that year or so of almost constant downtime and then when there was meatspin on the site either…

Toast 12 years, 8 months ago

What is dead may never die

firestormx 12 years, 8 months ago

"I expected this site to be dead" is such an insult to me. :(