Finally a bachelor!

Posted by Nighthawk on March 20, 2016, 2:14 p.m.

Actually I've never not been a bachelor. However, I am now the proud owner of a bachelor's degree! It took me more than seven years of college and 25 years of student loan debt, but we can sweat the details later. Was just browsing through to find some of my old projects to potentially put on my portfolio and I noticed that a few people I remember still post here, so I figured I'd give you guys some kind of update.

Now that I'm done with school I am on the job hunt. Got an in-person interview coming up this week so my fingers are crossed. The only person I met here who I still stay in regular contact with would have to be SteveKB (meow44) who I play League with and talk about life and programming with. I've still been working on games on and off, the biggest project of which would be this castlevania-esque game which will be finished…


Anyway I'm mostly curious what you guys are up to. I'm surprised this site still seems to be kind-of active.


Nighthawk 8 years, 11 months ago

Thanks! Out of curiousity, do you guys have a discord server?

Ferret 8 years, 11 months ago

Woo! Congrats on the Bachelors! And good luck on the job hunt, I'm currently in the process of that as well :)

DesertFox 8 years, 11 months ago

Hiya Nighthawk! Long time no see!

Also dem student loan debts :<

twisterghost 8 years, 11 months ago

Congrats on the degree, hope the job hunt goes well