<img src="http://www.binarytech.co.uk/fpg/newbie.gif">
Everyone's been using the [ usertag ] thing, in various places. I of course, thought they were all making fun of me. Here I am thinking: "What did I ever do to make people hate me?" I was about to hurt my keyboard, when someone told me about the[ usertag ]. Glad they did, but before then I certainly made quite a n00b of myself. It's kind of funny really. :)Has anyone else done this? Or am I the only one?Also, how do you like my new banner? (Yes [usertag], I'm talking to you.)
baziiboi knows it, ask him… he's the genius that told [rapeape]
Although I don't know it, I'm pretty sure that [rapeape] does. I've seen him use it a few times.
Yeah, Aeron is correct, [rapeape] uses it a lot!
I tell people(including [rapeape]) about the usertag, because then it becomes useless. I whish I knew what it was…
if i see my name anywhere, i know its the usertag
sk8m8trix! Was that usertag? Perhaps you'll never know. :)
I have another new banner. Thanks elmernite!