Hello Again.

Posted by Ninji on Nov. 4, 2010, 12:08 a.m.

Y'know it's been a long time since I've been here. I had an account either by the name Ninji, or Malakh or something, but couldn't find it in the search. Maybe I was going it wrong, but it's not like I had anything up. Real shame I didn't I guess, but at least I'm not worried about my old account.

So like games, graphics, coffee, and ladies are my interest.

I've recruited 2 people to help me on this game called 'Zero Akmar', in which I drew up my banner for. I came onto this site to see if my details were still in the memory. I know they aren't in my email, I cleaned it out. Any who I was just mucking around, possibly to steal examples, not out of incompetence well maybe, but I'd rather not reinvent the stone wheel on anything rigorous('ly boring).

I guess a major pain in the ass what with the stone wheel and what not is name entry. I wanted to be able to do it from my 360 controller without using the keyboard. So what I'm looking at is messy work with fonts, positioning and arrays. Though if I upload that I think I will butcher the graphics so they don't resemble Zero Akmar.

This probably isn't a whole lot of interesting information about me. I remember this place from when I was a kid. 3 years maybe; Learning Gamemaker. Now I'm on your site, mooching your hard work, and uploading on your server.

Nice to meet you.


Ninji 14 years, 3 months ago

Oh that's not me. Thanks though,

sirxemic 14 years, 3 months ago

There is a user named Blood Ninji and I am fairly confident that's you :D

Ninji 14 years, 3 months ago

Haha. There we go. Actually I think I talked to Poly on that account too. Yeah uh… I can't figure the password for it.