Greetings from Darkworld!

Posted by Ninji on Jan. 22, 2013, 8:12 a.m.

So I'm back in business, and whana show you guys why I was gone so long. I was in Jobcorp getting my education (which I got) and my carpentry certification. Hehe, yeah I didn't get my cert, got kicked out when my dealer who is also in the program had his phone searched. Yeah I'm going to join the labor union and put down the pot for a while. Oh well, getting my GED with honors, my drivers license, and my OSHA 30 in construction is a lot of accomplishment for one year.

Hello People!

I got this my first two months in Jobcorp taking the test self taught.

It's actually a GED with honors (3170), it just says Highschool Diploma, and no one in the state of Florida has to know the difference unless they whana see my impressive GED transcript (missed 1/50 science questions, and 3/50 math questions).

I bought myself some hardware:

My Laptop's Black Matte Finish.

My Laptop's Dirty Little Secret.

Model: Lenovo G560

Cores: 2 Pentium(r) running at 2.1gzh

Graphics: Intel HD Video 64mb Allocated (I'm not bragging on this, but I got a good use for it)

RAM: 4gb, plus 4gb SD card paging file.

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium

So I got myself a businessmen class economy computer. It pushes data like a boss, and I do w/e I want on it., including rapid executable producing in Gamemaker, where my old system paused every time I tried to compile something more than 4mb. Doesn't play high end games, the upper limit of this video is HD movies on its widescreen, and I if the gameplay is sweet I don't give a fuck if the graphics look as fake as myself in a mirror on synthetic canabinoids.

Input Devices

OK so I got myself an Xbox Controller, a Dualshock 3 (PS3) my good old tablet (My banner atm is the first drawing I did with it) and my Logitech mouse. I got another controller, but my sister is borrowing it. The idea is that as a game developer I wanted the two most common controllers to ever grace a gamers hands, and a windows legacy controller to test with. Soon enough I will get myself a Wiimote working on Bluetooth and Glovepie. The trackpad on Lenovo is almost as terrible as its graphics, so I need a mouse to do anything, even to draw with my tablet.

Well that's all. I got my GED, drivers license, a computer that can quickly compile, but wont let my games be a memory hog, some peripherals, and I'm back to work on my projects, and hopefully back to actual work soon enough. I'll drop a blog on this game called Majinn tommorow, with a moment given to me. Peace, and thanks for reading.


Juju 12 years, 1 month ago

My Laptop's Dirty Little Secret.
I clicked that first. I was not disappointed.

JuurianChi 12 years, 1 month ago

I like playing games with a Dualshock 3.

I wonder what limits could be pushed on that laptop of yours.

(I'm always killing computers with this question)

Ninji 12 years, 1 month ago

Yeah after several days of Assassins Creed and CoD on the 360 the Xbox 360 controller felt like the comfy, cutting edge new controller. But that Dualshock 3 man.. Just picking it up makes years of Playstation course through my hands, it feels like the one and only natural way of playing anything.

The one I got right now I bought off my brother, the hole the left Joystick emerges from has been grinded out an 8th inch wider from continuous usage, and the shaft of the thumpad is so worn, that a few more years at current rate, and the thumbpad of the joystick will be decapitated.

I have no intention of trying to overclock this computer, I got it doing what I want, and like it not on fire.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 1 month ago

Where is this 'Darkworld'. That's in Florida? It sounds like a Floridian's worst nightmare.

Ninji 12 years, 1 month ago

It's my room, which is only scarcely illuminated by my laptop screen, or my glowing red pupils. When I'm not nailing houses together, or courting the ladies this is where I reside, with nothing but the sound of my fingers rapping against the keyboard, the piercing rattle of a spoon in a coffee cup, the faint whisper of synthetic rock coming out of my headphones, and the faint slapping sound that is prob coming from a bird with rubber wings outside.

firestormx 12 years ago

Wait, what's the dirty secret? Welcome back though. =)

A "faint slapping sound" is most definitely not a "bird outside". ;)

Acid 12 years ago

Everything sounds like it's going good for you man. I'm excited to see your progress in the future.