
Posted by NintenJ0E on Nov. 30, 2007, 6:19 p.m.

First Project


I think I've finally collected all of my thoughts and decided on my first project. With the help of Inf1u3nza (hopefully), I'm gunna make a Class based (sort of) platformer. Instead of having completely different classes, there will be different kinds of weapon types, which will determine the attributes of the gun. (Gunstar Heroes esque) A platform based game, it will hopefully have more than one linear level. (I can hope can't I?) Don't expect anything tremendous, because your not gunna get it. :P

The Advanced Stuff


Hopefully, Inf1u3nza will teach me everything I need to know while we are working on this project, but no promises. The Class-Based platformer may take awhile, seeing as I get home from school everyday at 6 o'clock. Also, If you're on "Helix", could you please reply to this and say so? It would be helpful to know who else I'll be working with.



Haven't been on Halo in a while, seeing as school screws over my schedule. I really have to get better with a sniper rifle, so I can put those poser snipers in their places. :] Well, that's pretty much it. Looking up Gunstar Heroes and maybe even playing it would be a good idea, the game is awesome. (Currently available on the Wii Vistual Console for 800 points I believe)


F1u 17 years, 2 months ago

its me you and TDOT. And personal messages are your frand. :]

TDOT 17 years, 1 month ago

lol, F1u beat me to it. Yeah, right now we're small :D, which might be a good thing. I dunno. Anyway, I think I already said this, but if you ever need help..


personal messages are your frand. :]