Sony suck.

Posted by NoodleNog on March 1, 2007, 12:17 p.m.

After getting overwhelmed with proof that the Sony PS3 sucked ever since it came out, I can only come to the conclusion that… erm.. it sucks.


What is wrong with Sony? I swear they must have a bunch of 10 years olds employed in the marketing department; they make totally ridiculas claims and fail to back them up. Everything Sony says and does just screems "WE DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU, WE JUST WANT YOUR MONEY." Now, I know, I know Microsoft and Nintendo are just as greedy as Sony, but at least they can hide it.

They claim their new gaming console is "future proofed", but the way blue-ray technology is going, it looks as if blue-ray is in danger of flopping. Nobody seems to want blue-ray, and because Sony are too stupid to work out the math, they couldn't even get their hands on enough diodes to handle the launch demand.

What they don't understand is that the average customer couldn't give a shit about blue-ray, all they see it as is an unnecessary expense. Come on guys do we really need the 50GB of storage that these discs offer? It's just a waste of money. (wait another 20 years and you might actually find youself needing that much storage capacity).

What makes me laugh is that Ken Kutaragi (Sony Boss) was claiming that despite the outragiously high price of the console, they will practically sell themselves on the basis that they are offering something revelutionary to the market. Pfff… look at the sales (its real time):

Shabby. They predicted 1 million sales on launch, and the sales didn't even reach half of that.


This just goes to show that the console gaming industry is not all about fancy graphics and processing power. It is about providing consoles that are popular and people actually want to buy, at a reasonable price.

And I found this funny: (a parody adaptation of the song 'How to save a life' by The Fray) Sony - How to kill a brand

This pretty much sums up my blog entry about the PS3. BTW, just so you know, I currently don't own any of the consoles. And if you are a PS fanboi, then you can go fu..please don't hurt me. *hides behind keyboard*


gtvg 17 years, 11 months ago

Lol at pic! Is that consoles sold image up-to-date? I figured there would be more Wiis sold than that.

NoodleNog 17 years, 11 months ago

Yup. Its realtime (well probably not, but it probably gets updated by the hour or something)

Requiem 17 years, 11 months ago

It's up-to-date. Remember that the 360 had a full year head-start.

blueBX 17 years, 11 months ago

LMAO at video!

The first time I heard of the PS3, I told myself "I'm pretty sure Wii and the 360 will just own the PS3" I'm not playing around. Also, the 360 shouldn't even be compared to the sales of the Wii and PS3 because it got a head start.

poultry 17 years, 11 months ago

It's not that great of a grill… :(

Castypher 17 years, 11 months ago

PS3 isn't doing so well. People prefer interaction with the Wii over a PS. I hear the PS3 is pretty bugged. Maybe I heard wrong…

n1ko 17 years, 11 months ago

Im sure PS3 is fine, but compared to the Wii and 360 it costs too much.

SleepinJohnnyFish 17 years, 11 months ago
NoodleNog 17 years, 11 months ago

Yeah, it is apparent that PS3 overheat and crash like crazy. Some say its more bugged than the 360. And that is bugged. My brother has a 360 and on 2 occasions he had the dreaded 3 red lights ("hardware failure") and had to send it back and get it repaired.

Yeah, I think the people who desinged the asphetics of the PS3 must have had "lean mean fat grilling machine" on their minds :S

EDIT: LOL at comment #8

Lethal 17 years, 11 months ago

I agree. Sony sucks. The PS3 is impossibly hard to program for and the data chache is retarted. The system completely poops^ on their fans and developers. Plus it has no originality, stealing elements from both the 360 and Wii. Also its WAY to pricey.