#64DSC: First post, just thinking and physics.

Posted by Nopykon on April 6, 2014, 4:59 p.m.

So I've decided what type of game I want to make and I'm currently planning the work ahead of me. I'm comfy with C++ and OpenGL, so I will use those. For physics, I'll go with Box2D, (so yeah, game will be 2D).

I've not used it before. Looking up pages in Graphics Gems, I usually just write whatever I need myself, for whatever game I make, but that really is a waste of time in terms of productivity. Box seems like a nice interface, and you can just look up the source at any time and change it too.

Limited Palette. I'm not going to go game boy. I expect about 25% of the games doing that already, so I'll try to come up with something fresh. Thinking more in terms of ultra-high contrast and but few colors. We'll see.

I could post a picture of a bunch of boxes, but that'd be wasting bandwidth. Alright, one more hint. The game will take place in RYMDEN. Until the next post!


Pirate-rob 10 years, 10 months ago

Limited Palette. I'm not going to go game boy. I expect about 25% of the games doing that already,
Finally, a new 64digits person who isn't using the theme literall…

but few colors.
^^' oh, ok…

Btw Spectre, nice idea on the limited vision.

Nopykon 10 years, 10 months ago

#1 Yeah, good advice. I will definetly color-code it in some way. For example, a still entity might be well camouflaged, then fire up in red when in motion. Just one idea.

#2 Ouch. ^ ^ Well, I'm not poetic or philosophic enough to not take "limited palette" in any other way than "having to do with actual colors". With "few colors", I don't mean to drop down to 8/16-bit, but to use a small set of color tones that gradually mix. Hmm… I'm not 100% decided yet.