Not worked one day!#2

Posted by Nopykon on April 13, 2014, 6:14 a.m.

My time for the compo was stolen by another jam. The worlds smallest dev community in the world,, held a themed challenge to make a one-button-game. Not gonna link project page, it's in swedish. Clicking the link will download you my contrib for that. It's a runnable JAR not worth besmirching your machine with java runtime for. If you already caught it, give it a try and say hello.

Sun's here. Long winter. I feel like going out all the time, so I have lowered my goal by about 17cm. Tis still 17 days left, more than enough time to make A thing in. Sorry for not actually writing anything about the actual project, I still love you.


colseed 10 years, 11 months ago

It's a runnable JAR not worth besmirching your machine with java runtime for. If you already caught it, give it a try and say hello.
dude, you made a trippy game about a man in pajamas using an infinite-ammo gatling gun as a means of propulsion

what do you mean it's not worth downloading java for this

Nopykon 10 years, 11 months ago

Quote: colseed
what do you mean it's not worth downloading java for this
:D Someone played it! Most people will probably only get angry playing that game, but most of all I'm just trying to be humble.

Pirate-rob 10 years, 11 months ago

Colseed, your description of the game made me download it.

I have seen the light~

Nopykon 10 years, 11 months ago

Let me know if you can beat that LabLab level. I will tattoo the face of the first one to do so, on my buttcheek.

I might release it on android market for free some day. Works fine on both my phones, but it's extremely difficult to play and the menus are not good. Needs better levels, storing time records, and lots more. I'm super tired of java right now, And ofc I'm doing the spring compo! So it must wait.