ShinseiOnnenCongratulate HER very much everyone!
2nd place SpectreNectar! Congratulate him a little bit.
Split 3rd placeAistarin and Jani Nykänen. Honorable attempts, but bronze is not iron.
Dead lastStevenOBrien. He had the most points, by far, for a while. ~(1<<31) or 2147483647, maximum 32-bit signed integer. But then someone gave him another point, causing overflow and flipping the sign bit, resulting in -2147483648. Much sad, many pepe's for him. ;-;
Incredibly, just like last time, no one ended up with 0 points.
I'm legitimately surprised. I had no idea I was a dude.
*grins*I vote for SOBs.
Interesting. In the previous compo I was also in a split 3rd place, and it was also Steven who got the least points, but still more than 0.
I just wanted to join the irrelevant comment club. How's everyone doing?