.com FTW O_O

Posted by Notalot on March 28, 2008, 8:03 p.m.

I splitted this blog into nice little sections so if you don't care about any bit you can skip it. :P


Now looks better. Still has emo-y colours but less so now. I've jazzed it up with a little CSS and a lot of .pngs.

It also has its own domain name now: http://www.nalgames.com/ . Much prettier than that .tk crap.

All my games and stuff are there, although the Minigames section holds what the entire achive will eventually look like.


It's a very nice community I go to, and I thought I'd share it with you. It's getting some neat features and already has a forum with over 15,000 posts (yes, not a vast amount, but considering most forums die after about 50 posts it's pretty good).

If you want to have a gander at the website and increase its member count by one click this link:


…this blog'll probably get flagged now. Oh well.


My latest creation - a simple arcade creation (as most of my games are). I'm hesitant to upload it to the website, however, as my last game, "Zyousbox", got completely ripped apart. Stupid website for elite people… >:-[

On the subject of Zyousbox, someone official reviewed it for a weird 64Digits magazine. I'm alright with that; feedback's feedback; but I've never heard of it before. I won't complain.


I suppose that's all I have to say, so I bid you all goodbye, and please leave nice comments. Unless of course you plan to write a nasty comment, in which case bitch away. Hey… entertainment's entertainment!



PY 16 years, 11 months ago

Poor 64dinformer.

Don't worry, it doesn't deliver news<_<

Mentalpatient109 16 years, 11 months ago

You should upload Bittapopt. It was so much better than Zyousbox, even if it was way too easy.

Firebird 16 years, 11 months ago

.com doesn't instantly make a great site; you actually have to design as well.

Notalot 16 years, 11 months ago

@Firebird: Don't worry, I've seen enough of ProdigyGM to know that a .com doesn't equal instant success. I've still got a lot to do, but since my last blog entry I have done several things to enhance the website look.

@MentalPatient109: Meh. I might.

@Phazon Yoshi: Um… thanks for the info ^_^

basilamer 16 years, 11 months ago

Your design is hard on the eyes…

Omega_Squid 16 years, 11 months ago

Firebird: Don't worry, I've seen enough of ProdigyGM to know that a .com doesn't equal instant success. I've still got a lot to do, but since my last blog entry I have done several things to enhance the website look.
LMAO I second that statement, Jesus Christ does that kid need some help! Whoa! XD

flashback 16 years, 11 months ago

Ugly gradient is ugly.