Posted by Notalot on April 30, 2008, 7:45 p.m.

GTAIVROX = …well, doesn't take a genius

It is a huge great heap of awesome. It's also a huge leap from the old GTAs, correcting their large list of minor flaws.

No more nasty popup! If there's a fence there, you'll see it from distance.

People now have ragdoll physics (and pretty good ragdoll physics at that). You get into a car and hit someone, they won't just kersplat on the floor. They'll roll over your bonnet, crack your windscreen (all the time leaving large blood skidmarks over the car) and fly over the top of it. In a similar fashion, if you get a car and drive fast enough into a wall, Niko Bellic (your character) will go through the windscreen and, provided the wall isn't too high, fly off into the distance, taking considerable damage with every heartfelt bounce off the floor.

Fun with physics doesn't stop there. If you participate in carjacking, wait for the irate driver to get up and grab the door (ready to open it), then put your foot down, the car owner will remain holding the door handle as he is painfully dragged along the ground. Do a nice handbrake-powered turn to swing the car's arse around and run his feet over.

One more piece of physics I couldn't help but appreciate was related to Niko's athletic skill. I walked to some random sailor and hit him hard in the face. I then ran, with him on my tail (you can no longer outrun someone purely by running - they go your speed), up and onto a docked boat. I then jumped off the edge of the boat and landed with a stylish roll on the floor. This other person attempted the same thing, but managed to misangle himself, landing on his head with a crack. Ouch.

Of course, if GTAIV only had that to its name, it would hardly be deserving of its Metacritic average score of 100% [PS3 version only - the 360 version is at 99%]. There's tons of neat touches that make it spectacularly fun to play.

I think that one of my personal favourites would be drink-driving. I push up on the D-pad to bring up my mobile phone (at this point I could prank-call the police, ambulance or fire brigade by tapping in 911). I navigate to the phone book and call cousin Roman. We arrange to go for a nice drink. I collect him, we go to the pub. Before we enter the pub Roman mentions how he hopes Vlad isn't in, as he owes him a debt.

After a fadeout, Niko and Roman emerge. Roman's been a bit beaten up, and is shouting such lines as "That Vlad… what a fucking asshole". More importantly though, both of them are completely pissed. We get into the car and I attempt to drive home.

If you've ever played through Vice City you might remember a mission (I think it's called Boomshine Saigon) in which you get high then drive. It's a similar experience. Niko's all over the road, the camera is blurry and swinging around wildly. As I'm about to drop Roman off, I mis-time it, take a hard right and drive into a bus stop. Niiice.

Of course, there's always such amusements as grabbing a shotgun and blindfiring a cop's face off, using the new "execution kill" to hold a pistol to a man's forehead and pull the trigger (gore alert - blood WILL coat the camera), watch Niko's face as he tries to understand a Jamaican's incessant rambling, find a group of people from a certain religion (will withhold WHAT religion) and drive them into a wall… there's tons. If you have a PS3 or an Xbox 360 and you don't have GTAIV, buy it. If you don't have a PS3 or Xbox 360, buy one, then buy GTAIV.

And if you're under 18, tell your mum it's not what the tabloids make it seem.


Cpsgames 16 years, 8 months ago


drspazz 16 years, 8 months ago

Dunno, I've tried various GTA games and I never really enjoyed them. The whole "sandbox" thing is nice and all but it's not like you have the freedom some people try to make it out to be. Most of the mechanics always seems "good enough" but not "great". Then again, maybe I just don't enjoy being a bad guy.

BTW, I must protest, if you are under 17 (the correct M rating age, AO is 18+) and your parents will not let you get this game, good for them. I like to see parents who actually keep an eye on the games their kids play, it shows that they understand not all video games are for kids.

Cesque 16 years, 8 months ago

Boomshine Saigon was awesome. "No, not this hospital! There's too much cops and Viet Cong!"

I've no plans on getting GTAIV, btw. :P

Then again, maybe I just don't enjoy being a bad guy.

A nice issue to bring up - personally, I just think GTA makes the whole thing boringly repetitive to the max. I don't like games where you can't be "good" as much as games where you can't be "bad" - I would personally prefer to see a sandbox game where it's mostly up to you - could be something morally ambiguous, but a game where it actually matters whether you're more of a stealthy assassin, an aggressive doing-his-job guy, or a spree killer.

Notalot 16 years, 8 months ago

Although it's impossible not to be a bad guy when progressing, unlike the older games GTAIV's storyline indicates the main character is clearly being pushed into it. Early on in the game, Niko kills somebody in blind, uncontrollable rage for having an affair with his cousin's girlfriend. As a result, the boss of the dead guy forces him to work for him.

Also, when you meet someone on yourside, you can maintain a strong friendship/relationship as long as you call them every so often to arrange some time out. I know that doesn't stop the game from being strong on the killing, but it gives it a pleasant atmosphere not seen before.

As an addition, I'm not a particularly gory person myself - I don't just mount the pathway (or sidewalk) in a big van and watch the body count total into the hundreds.

@drspazz: I live in England, GTAIV's classification here is an "18".