[OL] 64Digits on major blogs

Posted by OL on March 21, 2008, 4:05 p.m.

If you've noticed a lot of guests at 64Digits recently, your eyes were not deceiving you.

I'd like to congratulate DoctorM64 on making pretty major internet news at serveral respected websites including ds fanboy, the digg frontpage, Destructoid, Wired, Kotaku, Joystiq, GameTrailers Featured and Ars Technica with his GM created game AMR2 Metroid 2 Remake!

The poor old 64Digits servers are getting pretty hammered under this traffic! This deserves to be front page 64Digits news (not some random thing about snowmoons…)

Yes it's a short blog, but it doesn't matter because this is pretty damn awesome. Well done DoctorM64.

The last time something liked this happened was with Duck Doom Deluxe, which was even featured on G4's Attack of the Show.

Was I really the only person who noticed abonormally high numbers of guests in the past few days?


Cesar 16 years, 11 months ago

holy shit


Short blog though, add content

s 16 years, 11 months ago

Been awhile since we had a good downtime

PY 16 years, 11 months ago

Nice one, m64.

64servers are so going to crack, I can just see them bursting into flame.

Take backups now, guys.

twisterghost 16 years, 11 months ago

I'll let it pass. Good enough content to keep it up. Besides, it fills the input box.

Omega_Squid 16 years, 11 months ago

LOL there are advantages to having an empty community

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 11 months ago

Was I really the only person who noticed abonormally high numbers of guests in the past few days?
Nah, I noticed.

Josea 16 years, 11 months ago

This won't last long, I'm sure of that.

Anyways, guests numbers around the hundred….beware of the tsunami.

stampede 16 years, 11 months ago

Yeah, noticed too. I was alone with 60-70 guests a lot :D