Squidmas '08
Need I say any more? It has been forever since I have posted anything, but my websites are getting crazy popular!
Just wishing everyone a happy holiday season, or as we at Omega Squid Studios like to say, MERRY SQUIDMAS!Also, I am going to Disney World after the 26th, …Bold Announcement
So yea, today be Election Day. I am really skeptical of what Obama or McCain will really accomplish in office, and I guess that even though I myself lean towards the Republican side, I will support whichever side that gets in, so long as they don't screw the pooch too. …
South Squid?
Well, this is my last day in the US of A before I board a plane and travel down to Argentina for two weeks.
No, I am not going on a spiritual journey - I am going to go Dove hunting with my uncle, who is a VP of marketing …MOAR SQUID PLZ
In the land of ORZ, there was a small child by the name of SPOON. He lived under DABRIDGE at DENIAL, a rivor in Egipt.
HE woked up one day and said "I want more Ovaltine plz" but his abusive great-uncle said "NO OVALTINE DUN EXIST NO MOR!", and SPOON …Save Windows XP!
Hey, I just found out about a new petition that already has over 12,000 signatures directly related to keep Microsoft from phasing out sales of XP on June 30.
I know many have moved to Vista, but XP is still better in my opinion, after I used it for a …Polynomials = Phail
Ha, what fun polynomials are… I just don't understand why exactly we have to learn how to simplify a combination of five gazillion letters and exponents just to get a few less letters and exponents. Simple arithmetic FTW!
Well, seeing as I lost two other editable files I am officially …Squidmas: Part Deuce
Well, I posted a blog about the most awesome items that I received on Christmas Day, but I got a few more gifts over the last couple of days that are VERY noteworthy! =P
Item #1 - An XM Radio Receiver for my Truck,, which is prepaid by two years …Merry Squidmas!
[egretfillets] anyone?
Well, I am sure most of you are quite aware of the massive use of the usertag in the 64D community lately, and I have noticed that some of our fellow members have some problems accepting the fact that the usertag does exist and is dangerous to an untrained mind. …
Well, Sunday was my birthday, and it was a pretty big one - my 16th!
I got a ton of cool gifts, but the best was my first cell phone - a Blackberry Pearl!I am in Panama City on vacation, and I am writing my blog from it!I …