/''\ Pie *OS*

Posted by Omega_Squid on Nov. 26, 2006, 8:42 p.m.

If you are reading this and are expecting pie…well you're not getting any.

Now that that's out of the way, I will now take 4 minutes of your life by telling you about mine! Yay!

I have spent the past 5 days in Nashville,TN celebrating the holidays with my family. We had an awesome dinner and saw a couple of great shows while we were there, and I bought an eBay Business for Dummies book (yes, I am going to attempt to sell stuff :/)

Anywho, I was working on a game Thanksgiving night and it turned out to be a little freefall game. I have aptly named it Freefall: Oh Noes!!! I am almost finished and hope to submit it this week!

Now for the most important news: I have updated my website with a shiny new design and color scheme. Check it out, it's pretty darn cool. If you affiliated with me, dont worry. I am working on the affiliate page right now, and I will add it to the site ASAP!

If you dont know, the url is www.omega-squid.tk


BenRK killed me again, so I had a really enjoyable holiday.

You must arrest and punish him for his second murder, since he escaped the first time unharmed!


canttouchthis30 18 years ago

This only took me 1 minute to read.

foslock 18 years ago

I just ate… an entire… pumpkin pie.


Too bad you didn't ask for any!

aeron 18 years ago

Nice design. Did you do that yourself?

Arcalyth 18 years ago

Ahhh man, pumpkin pie is so good. Damnit Foslock, you made me hungry.

Nice site, Omega.

Polystyrene Man 18 years ago

Tomorrow it might happen.

Graydon 18 years ago

Tommaro, the sun will die and then we will all lavish over pie. THE END

Omega_Squid 18 years ago

Oh teh noes!!!

BenRK 18 years ago

Why wont you die?

Omega_Squid 18 years ago
