Squid.Blog ['-'] #1

Posted by Omega_Squid on April 25, 2007, 10:42 p.m.

Squid.Blog ['-']


Welcome to the new blogging format of Omega_Squid!

Today's Headliner

Today the main focus of my blog is about website hosting. I have been quite frustrated over the past few days with my website and hosting. I want a great free host with php support, as I may change to php in the near soon future! I am not yet ready for paid hosting as my site is not quite where I want yet (In terms of completeness and content)

Any suggestions?

I am also looking into a CMS to better help with the editing ease of the site…

Other Things

If you have not yet checked out either one of my websites, please do! I have all sorts of cool stuff on both of them, and they are both almost completed!

Kobe versus Nash - http://www.kobevsnash.co.nr

Vote on who you think will win the 2007 NBA MVP award!

Omega Squid Studios - http://www.osquid.com

My website, where all of my creations and services are listed!

School Status

There are only 14 days of school left! W00t! Four blogs down, only 14 more to go! =0

Kewl Things

I have made over $28 so far from the Cash Grab! I can't believe that I stopped participating 2 months ago! I hope to get more soon, as I have a credit card coming in soon…eBay sales rock! =) Help me out - join if you have not already!

I have also completed the links page of Kobe versus Nash! Vote and pick a cool banner!


They are all here - http://www.osquid.com/kobevsnash/link.html

There are Nash sides to each banner format!


Do you like the new blog?

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2. No



'nuff said!


Rob 17 years, 10 months ago

-0NL1N3- 17 years, 10 months ago


Omega_Squid 17 years, 10 months ago

No, rob, we're not talking about Kaz's website!

foslock 17 years, 10 months ago

I take full credit for bringing the cash grab to the 64digits community :)

I've already made about 70 bucks with out a credit card (which I am getting soon). I know someone who has made about $300 with a credit card.

Omega_Squid 17 years, 10 months ago

Yea, it was a good thing too foslock! I applied and have been accepted for a PayPal Debit Card - so now I can do all the trials and get a higher cashout! Yays!