I now officially have animal crossing fever again! Today was also quite a lucky day for me, i caught a hammerhead shark, shark and an arapaima. So yes, thats me happy.
In other news i'm not dead as i said i would be if i didn't blog on my previous blog. My internet went down because its retarded and i couldn't get on all day. My sisters B-day party was ace! We went to laserquest for 3 games but it's got new management now so all the packs actually work! woot! also theres loads of different types of game now, we played normal, team and meyhem.Well thats it for today bye.
i caught a shark, a hammerhead shark, a boot, and a car tire… i love time travel…
Nooooo! Time travelling is evil!
except getting all the weeds out is a problem…want to know my favorite bugs i caught?a scarab beetle and a rainbow stag, both of which i caught in chiken's town ON THE SAME NIGHT while he was bug hunting… gave me a great laugh, he got angry and thought i owed him 16k for the total value of both of the bugs…here's my friend code!
i wore my friends rainbow feather one night and caught 2 scarab beatles, 3 rainbow stags, and a scorpion. Suffice to say i was pleased :D
wow… rainbow feather… i should get one of those…
YAY!! First person other than mrpacman and omegasonic! w00t
AC:WW Is pretty awesome!baziiboi, you're a n00b…
Will you please donate me some pretty bugs??? And can I have your friend code?