I'm here again for a while...

Posted by Onyx on Feb. 6, 2007, 10:24 a.m.

Yeah, so I'm going to hang around here for a while again… New semester on my college starts on monday and I have this week off…

I just bought a new 130GB HDD so now I have 210GB of disk space on my computer… Finally I have some breathing room! Now that I have egnouh room for it I'll make a triple-boot system! I'm installing Win XP, Win Vista (most out of curiosity, and it might prove usefull to know how to operate Vista ($$$!)) and, finaly, some Linux distro! Probably Ubuntu, I'm a begginer in Linux so… I have a backup plan if I fail to make this stupid ADSL winmodem work under Ubuntu… I'll trade with my friend, he has a "real" modem and he doesn't care anyways as long as it works under Windows…

GM… Now I have some time to use it but I can't find a bug in my pathfinding algorithm… If anyone thinks he can help, PM me or leave a comment and I'll send you that piece of malfuncioned code… I'll have to warn you thought, it has some trigonometry in it, nothing fancy but you'll have to know what sin and cos are to understand it… Offcourse, if you help, you'll be properly credited.


poultry 17 years, 11 months ago

I have a 250 gb hard drive. Pwned.

poultry 17 years, 11 months ago


marbs 17 years, 11 months ago

I have a 250 and an 80 =D

Arcalyth 17 years, 11 months ago

I have a 160, an 80, and a 15. :o

Onyx 17 years, 11 months ago

I never said that's a lot of disk space… but compared to before when I had 80+20 GB and up until now when I had only 80GB 'cause old 20GB disk died this is nice…

This AI problem seems to go deeper than I thought… something strange is going on… It looks like I'll have to rewirite it… again! DA*N!!!

Acid 17 years, 11 months ago

I don't know any trig so I can't help you, but I would like to say that the triple-boot system sounds cool.

Onyx 17 years, 11 months ago

@MGA: So, you realized your fingers were 1 key off… LOL

Acid 17 years, 11 months ago

Yeah. XD

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 11 months ago

My hard disk drive is [drum roll] 40GB. It's scary when you think about it: There are mp3 players with twice as much space.