Hamsters, hamsters everywhere!

Posted by Onyx on Aug. 26, 2006, 9:06 a.m.

Yesterday I finally found a way to use the idea I got the fist moment I saw view_angle in GM. I'm working on a game in which you take a role of a cute little hamster rolling in his wheel throught levels which are placed inside… huge hamster wheels! Confused? Basicaly the main idea is to ROTATE WHOLE LEVEL in order to complete it. I have a little engine demo for you, still buggy but it works:


Left/Right - move left/right or rotate level left/right (when mounted)

Space - jump

Ctrl - mount/dismount cilinder

R - restart

To rotate level, get into cilinder (center of level) and press ctrl to mount it. The "lights" will change to green. Now use left/right to rotate level. Press ctrl agai to dismount.

Yes, the graphics are crappy (platform example+hamster image form google+my own piece of cilinder art). If anyone wants to help with graphics PM me or contact me throught ICQ (# 245793679).

Also, I will give hamster some additional skills:

Speedy Hamster - just rolling really fast, you can e.g. cross bigger gaps this way

HamsterCopter - just imagine little guy coming out of his wheel and then using it as a helicopter :D

Might also make possible to leave wheel at any time.

The game is consived as platformer/puzzle maybe with enemies, maybe not.

C&C appriciated


sinkhead 18 years, 5 months ago

Cool. I wish there was more than 3 plaftorms though. There's only really one thing to do in this demo, then you have to restart.

Onyx 18 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, well it's just the engine. VERY EARLY engine. Even if I added some more platforms you still wouldn't have anything to do.

Darktech 18 years, 5 months ago

theres a vew collision problems but the rest is good..

Onyx 18 years, 5 months ago

Yes, I know about collision problems, will be fixed.

Stained Glass 18 years, 5 months ago

Awesome, but the wheel shouldn't spin when he isn't moving, and the fast he is going the faster the wheel should spin.
