Radar engine

Posted by Onyx on Aug. 28, 2006, 5:57 p.m.

My little hamster friend had no luck today: I didn't have time to work on the game.

But, my radar engine is finally uploaded, you can check it under my examples. The reactions are somewhat mild, nothing extremely bad nor extremely good. I just want to say why it's special: rather then just drawing sprites or rectangles using draw_rectangle it draws only the outlines of GROUPS of objects. So you make a wall from bunch of 32x32 blocks but the wall will be shown as a single rectangle.

I just noticed I got "5 friends" badge, so if I get it right that means 5 people added me to their favourite users list? Well, gonna look into it now to return the favour ;). I know I'm in Chicken's list, but is there anyone that isn't?

So, hamster will hopefully return tommorow, in the mean time check out the radar, maybe you can use it. Cheers.

EDIT: Mordi, if you're reading this, sorry didn't have time too look into it, will do it tommorow for sure!


NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 5 months ago

Your in my fav users list now. ;)

That radar exaple is cool. ^_^

Mordi 18 years, 5 months ago

"EDIT: Mordi, if you're reading this, sorry didn't have time too look into it, will do it tommorow for sure!"

Hrmpf, you could have sent a pm, you know… >_> Its alright, though.