Week of Hell: Day Four

Posted by Onyx on Oct. 27, 2006, 6:13 a.m.

Yeah, it was yesterday acctually but I was too tired to post then.

I did pretty well, but I expected better. Some questions were harder than I expected. The results are still not in… strange.

I can allmost say it's over. Today's exams is some weird subject, I don't know what it's about(been only to one class XP). But I know two things:

1, I passed it. You see, it's not my major subject and noone is making us study that, so we all passed, it's only a question of grade, and to be frank, I don't give a sh** about it.

2, Questions are so easy that anyone with a sane mind will be able to answer them. Damn, I'm screwed! XP

I'll start working on that game now, I'll have to FINALLY learn how to use surfaces. My radar system will not work as there were some changes to engine, i's not 8-dir anymore, it's TDS, and if you combine rotation and drawing parts of the sprite it all gets weird… So surfaces are my only chance.

BTW, I want to ask you all for your opinion: you see, it will be a TDS but I find it easyer to play a stealth game with 8-directional movement. So, I was thinking of adding a feature that you can switch beetween 8-dir and mouse movement (TDS). You press a button and you play with 8-directional movement. if it comes to a fight (or you want to be more precise when aiming, you press a button again and you play wiith mouse movement. What do you think, is it a good idea?

I'll be off now, you kiddies better behave, OK?


Siert 18 years, 3 months ago

"kiddies" WTF

Onyx 18 years, 3 months ago

it was a joke…

Onyx 18 years, 3 months ago

Results are in! I got 12 out of 15 possible points. YAY!

canttouchthis30 18 years, 3 months ago

WTF is kiddies supposed to mean? It wasn't very nice. Just for saying that I am not going to behave. HA HA!