Life, the universe, and everything.

Posted by PY on Sept. 11, 2007, 12:59 p.m.

I've decided to start a weekly blog, so expect more from this corner.


My life is quite dull right now, the overwhelming amount of coursework, and of course having time for GM, has sucked up nearly all of my spare time…

As my knowledge of important things exceeds my knowledge of football, I have to do a 'further extended science conversion course' Which means 'extra work' for those uninitiated in schooling propaganda. To make matters worse, I also have a statistics maths extra course, just to compound everything else. My school has serious problems with it's staff, meaning that I have, every Tuesday; 8:40-2:40, regular school, then an hour of science, then an hour of maths. Fun.

My maths teacher has also decided to disallow the lending of pens/pencils, etc. with instant detention for those who lend, or borrow, and are caught. No talking, either, so no help there. Just to be sadistically evil, he has done it during the trig season, so the majority of people, who don't have scientific calculators, are forced to, get this, do trig in their heads. If you don't get to Q10, and get 6/10 or more, DETENTION! Which is, quite frankly, mad.

Yet more school-based rants, this time about funding! My school, over the holidays, has given us a nice new Y11 GSCE area, built a grand total of four (!) walls, and replaced all the doors. They have also built electric gates. I can't have an exercise book in English, because we have no money. I have to pay 50p for a P.E. lesson I don't want. And my systems project is screwed, because we don't have the parts… There's something wrong with this scenario.

On another note, Thanks to my coursework, you should Tune in next week, as I *shock* complain!


PY 17 years, 5 months ago

He did'nt seem to undertand it…I assumed most would