
Posted by PY on Oct. 9, 2007, noon

I've found that putting my initialls in front of my blog has gained quite a few hits, so they stay.

-Main Blog-

Yeah, the title's retty irrelevant, I couldn't think of something with a four in, so I used a shiny equation we did in maths today. lulz. I'm a GSCE student, BTW, so that's quite worrying.

Seeing as how my last blog was on sunday, there isn't as much of me to go round this time, so I've settled on an untouched subject. My school's building.

Seriously, it seems like the school is made of polystyrine, it leaks! the roof tiles are so shoddily done, you can throw a pen straight up, and it'll stick in the ceiling, and a shoe? it'll go straight through, and get stuck u there, much to the morons enjoyment, of course. The walls actually shake when someone leans on them, I swear they'll fall down one day, and kill us all in a dominoe inspired deathmatch.

Yeah, not really much content for the main part of the blog, my life, so I'll move on to gamemaking.

I finally got the shinespark effect looking just like I wanted, I'll post some screenies later, so now all I have to do is find a way to lock samus in place (in actual super metroid) so I can easily rip the sprites I need, and also I have to piece together the upwards strafe, as I found out you can't actually do it in super, which is a bugger. Finally got the spriteengine-Transitions incorparated, I missed out a {, and GM didn't pick up on it, so an unexplained error…

I've also been messing around with WinXP plugins and add-ons, I've only found the winXP powertoys at the moment, of which the virtual desktops have been the most usefull, so are there any more -free- ones anyone can reccomend? As long as they're cool, or functional, I don't mind.

Also, my directional keys have stopped moving the curser around in the box, any ideas/fixes? Also, the home/end pgup/down buttons have stopped working, and it's not that the keys have failed, either.

~Phazie, signing out.


Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 4 months ago

GSCEs are for tools. I dropped out of an English GSCE, well actually that was because of how badly managed it was. By the end, I was the only one there. At the peak there were two others.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 4 months ago

Doing GSCE English work seperately from normal English work is a whole 'nother kind of retarded.

Now I'm pissed-the fuck-off because of all the work I ended up throwing away.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 4 months ago

Also, wouldn't that be 4a?

F1ak3r 17 years, 4 months ago

n = a! Weird computer issue. Your school's made out of PSM's countrymen. Cellphone char limits suck

Bryan 17 years, 4 months ago

I'm doing everything GSCE.. I'm so smart 8)

Bryan 17 years, 4 months ago




PY 17 years, 4 months ago

Yo solved it, foo!

My keys don't work, but only in firefox…

OK, that's wierd. In the space of writing this, they've started to work again. So, add ons?

Also, almost 1000 hits, my theory is correct, I've had 20 hits, in 30 minutes. and 6 comments.

OL 17 years, 4 months ago

Seriously, it seems like the school is made of polystyrine, it leaks!

Isn't polystyrene water proof?

PY 17 years, 4 months ago

Not crap polystirene, like ours.

It leaks through the holes, unfortunately.

JW 17 years, 4 months ago
