[PY]5th longest time ever.

Posted by PY on Oct. 17, 2007, 2:19 p.m.

I've come up with the perfect [PY] excuse, they're part of the [PY] series of blogs about my life, soany blogs not in the series wil be [PY]less.

Anyway, the title, I had an appointment with the dental hospital today, and I misjudged the timing, so I got there half an hour early. The DH was running another half hour late, so that made me an hour early, and I've never had to wait less than 20 minutes after my appointment time, so I was there for 1hour, 25 minutes. Bad, very, very boring. Especially as the only magazines they have are 10-year old footballist magazines, of which I have NO interest, and my DS ran out of power, so no Final Fantasy for me…

Anyway, I eventually got in, and it was, like, 5 minutes, in which I sat down on the chair, and got up again near instantly. Only to make a new apointment, for 4 months time. Fun.

I've just reaslied, I haven't told you cats about meh dental operation, t'was about april of this year (1 day after my BDay, yayz!), and I had to get my 'denticle' taken out, so my adult tooth could move down, except because of my (cencored) of a dentist, who forgot to send off the damn X-Rays, I am having to have a brace, because it can no longer move down naturally. I'll remeber the break/rip sound of when the littrally broke my old tooth in half to remove it (don't worry, I was under local anesthetic) for the rest of my life *shivers*.

I have also succumed to peer pressure, and made one of these myspace things, I've been on it, like, 3 times, to keep my friends happy, but if you want to see it, along with a picture of me, it's at


which is nice.


Is the latest Beta (B8A, it's the eighth) of my game.

Post in it's topic, not here.

Yeah, I've also tried my hand at graphic design:


are my favorites so far, so feel free to crit them, I'm never going to get better otherwise, eh?

Well, Phaz, signing off.

P.S.W00t, 1100 hits!


Bryan 17 years, 4 months ago


PY 17 years, 4 months ago

*jumps Bry*

*starts yankin'*

*realises it's not Bry…*

Bryan 17 years, 4 months ago

Yay for decoys

s 17 years, 4 months ago

Bryan has spare blowup dolls?

As for the banners,the second one's white beam ending seems really rigid.And the first seems to go against your color scheme,but I'm sure you know that

PY 17 years, 4 months ago

Yes, I had some light suit PNGs lying around, so I messed with em. The second one's white beam is my name! Though I could put a slight glow on it, to blur it out…

@bry, I have you now!

*realises it's not bry, AGAIN*