Why be you killing your children?

Posted by PY on Dec. 8, 2007, 1:08 p.m.

In response to the other one. This'un will have facts in it.

Oi, you. Yes, you there, [shlongbeast] (hehe, injoke), why are you killing your children to be?

That is the stereotypical line, sure, but what is the reality of it?

'Global Warming' is far too much of a blanket term these days, everyone remember hurricane Katrina?

That'll get wayy more common as the earth warms up, right? Maybe, but that doesn't stop the fact that it was an ordinary hurricane, just one that hit an extroridanry target, one that was really stupidly placed.

I'm sure we all remember the tsunami of a few years ago, right? Terrible, true, but I've heard that being touted as a child of GW, it was caused by an earthquake, people!

The one thing all real scientists agree on is that we have not yet started to see the effects brought in by global warming, and that it is still early enough to make a difference. I'd reccomend we all go off and watch Al Gores 'An inconvenient truth'. Once you've got past the fact that much of it is incorrect, and biased, it get's the message across. We. Must. Act.

For example, your television. How much extra effort does it take to switch it off at the wall? Not much, and while it's an inconvenience to you, the ecosystem doesn't give a damn! Switch it off, and back on when you want to watch it, it's not hard, and it'll certainly help future generations. That's a lie, one person won't make blue monkey shit difference, we all have to do it!

Turn lights off, and switch to energy saving ones! Yes, they're dim when you first turn them on, but once they've 'warmed up', there's no difference. I'm assuming you're on your computer right now? Make use of hibernation, if for example, you have dinner, every moment counts. If you have IT last at school, turn the PCs off, or hack into the system every night at 5ish, and shut them all down, computers are real power hogs when they're working hard.

One main thing, cut down on air travel! This is especially directed to us Britons, who are the worst offenders, per person, it releases masses of gas directly into the atmosphere.

Deoderant? Use the weird bally-ones, instead of an aerosol can, it's better… for the environment.

I guess what I'm really saying is, be wary of what you see, it's not all true, but seriously, we can't ignore it for much longer, we really can't.

I hope you actually read this, leave a comment with your views.


Firebird 17 years, 2 months ago

There is no fucking spoon.

raz 17 years, 2 months ago

I got ur point, it was what i was trying to say. But instead of being angry could u have told whats wrong right? Or is it hard to be nice for once?

PY 17 years, 2 months ago

I was nice.

Nah, I wasn't, I just can't stand it when people make up facts and figures and present them as truth.

@FB, I have the spoon, take it. TAKE IT!

OBELISK 17 years, 2 months ago

There is no fucking spoon.
There is only me.

Anyway, it's good someone actually agrees with me. I'm pretty green, tbqh.

sirxemic 17 years, 2 months ago

I know it's creepy, but very sometimes I recognize myself in you, Phazon Yoshi (that isn't a usertag btw). Anyway, I agree with you =P and also with Al Gore.

F1ak3r 17 years, 2 months ago

Global Warming. Not my problem. According to Al Gore's chart, Africa contributes a very small percentage of the total emissions. Neither of my parents drive gas guzzlers. I often forget to turn on my lights. I turn off my PC every night, and I avoid turning on the TV or using paper (save the trees!). I'd say I'm green enough for something I hardly affect.

PY 17 years, 2 months ago

Heh, weird,eh?

Yeah, Al Gore should have won. There'd be no Iraq disasterwar, for one thing.

PY 17 years, 2 months ago

@F1R, if everyone in the world were like you, not only would we have a brighter future, but africa would be seriously overpopulated

poultry 17 years, 2 months ago


PY 17 years, 2 months ago

Maybe [shlongbeast]?


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