~Phazie signing off. (But I don't sign off, I just post the blog… w/e. 3388hits as of now.(Continue this, foos)On the first day of Christmas, 64Digits gave to me, a PLatformed demo for 64D!On the second day of Christmas, 64Digits gave to me two Telekas, and a Platformed demo for V3!On the third day of Christmas, 64Digits gave to me, 3 shoop-da-whoops, two Telekas, and a Platformed demo for V3!
a demo of PLatformed made for 64D!
On the first day of Christmas, 64Digits gave to me…-1 life…
You fail Kenon, that code would give you an uninitialized variable error.
No, Kenon is fine.
He's done day#1 now do day no2.On the second day of Christmas, 64D gave to me…Two Telekas! And a demo of PLatformed made for 64D!
On the fifth day of Christmas 64D gave to me…FIIIIIIVE! BLOOCKS of…WAAAARN! BODUM. DUM. DUM.
Four Ciribots. Three SHOOPDAWHOOPS. Twooo Telekas. And a demo of PLatformed for 64D!On the sixth day of Christman, 64D gave to me…
Six skull-shaped baskets,FIIIIIIVE! BLOOCKS of…WAAAARN! BODUM. DUM. DUM,Four Ciribots,Three SHOOPDAWHOOPS,Twooo Telekas,And a demo of PLatformed for 64D!On the seventh day of christmas, 64D gave to me…
seven cans of slim-fastsix skull-shaped basketsFIIIIIIIIIVE! BLOOCKS of WAAAARN! BODUM. DUM. DUM,Four Ciribots,Three SHOOPDAWHOOPS,twoooo Telekas,And a demo of PLatformed made for 64DEEEEEEEEEEE!Edit : Frenchy, you're doing it all wrong. you don't get eight things of -blank- on the seventh day. EPIC FAILURE. Delete that and THEN post it.