64alive - song

Posted by PY on Jan. 28, 2008, 2:28 p.m.

This is my song, based on Still Alive, from Portal, these are the lyrics, and if you look to the bottom, I have everyone who has sung it (eagly and Cesque at this time)

Feel free to sing it yourself, give me the link and I'll stick it there. (I haven't sung it because my mic is broken, and I can't find another one…)

We are a triumph

I'm making a note here: EPIC. WIN.

It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.


We do what we must

Because, we can.

For the good of everyone,

Except the ones we don't like

But there's no sense crying over every noob

you just keep on coding till your work is de'piled

And the coding gets done

and you make some neat fun

for the people who we actually like

We shouldn't be angry

I'm being so, sincere, right now.

Even though he broke our hearts and killed us.

And tore us to pieces, and threw every piece, into, the bin.

As we fell, it hurt because, no one was happy for him.

And these points of data make a worrying line

and we're nowhere near beta, screw releasing on time

So we should be GLaD we got burned, think of all the things we learned

for those few who we don't really mind.

Go ahead and leave us

I think we prefer to stay, in here.

Maybe you'll find someone else to host you.

Maybe static-fire



Anyway, our site is great, we're so… delicious and moist?

Look at me still talking when there are blogs to be read

When I look out there I'm filled with pity for you

I've coding to run

There is blogging to be done

For the people who decided to stay

And beleive me I decided to stay

While your going I'll be deciding to stay

and when you're gone I'll be deciding to stay.

Gonna stay.

Gonna stay…





bendodge's remix of T-M's song.


PY 17 years ago

Haha, yeah, you did a good job of it, for sure!

In fact, I just compared it with the real thing, it's very accurate (99% of the time)!

bendodge 17 years ago

Actually, I finally figure out what was wrong with that: it was missing the bass. So despite my better judgment, I went and fished out the bass and added it. I also fixed some of the timing issues (Turns out TM wasn't as bad as I thought. I had accidentally introduced some errors of my own.) , so you might want to redownload.

PY 17 years ago

Ah, yes. That sounds very good.


Grand-High Gamer 17 years ago

Because I ain't fond of that one, too saturated.

PY 17 years ago

ooh, that int bad!

I tried to make some avatars, and they were good, sure, but… Not as good as that.

Tyranic-Moron 14 years, 4 months ago

If anyone stumbles across this again in future, my version is still available here: ONOES.mp3
