hai 64 digits im new here and im making a cool fangame and its going to be awesome!
its gonna be 3d and online and loads of people can join at once and play together and itll have an EPIC storyline!The storyline is that mega man and mario meet up in th muthroom kingdoms and see zelda swinging his sword at metroid and metroid rolls into his ball and shoots megaman and then you come in and you can be megaman or zelda or metroid or mario or anyone else and ill sell it in game for $50 and itll be as good as world of warcrasft and everyone will play it and itll be awesome!I need people to help me though i need people to sprite the people but only mega man because i can use the metroid and zelda and mario from other games and i need someone to make me the online thing and i need someone to do the 3d because i cant code and im going to call it phazon yoshis game and itll be great but i only have gm5 unreegistered so ill need to do it with loads of sprites but itll run really fast i promise becuase im really good!LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!itll be GRATE!-leader of phazon yoshi productions (X-TREME TEEM YEAH GO ROCKING WOO!)
qoq aounsa likw runsescape ima play and ill help i can get loads of megamena sprits
wow can you thatd be great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll sprite. How much do you pay? $5 Bucks? Aw, you're breaking my balls here bro.
I can tak sum screenshots of super mario galazy so u can use them in yur awsum 3d game!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply sooon!!!!!wowowwowowow, ill take it
clay i cant pay but ill put your name in the game information file!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)*slap*
GET THE FUCK OUT OF IT.wat but itz gonna be grate! YEH X-TR3M3 T33M!
ZOMG! D0wnl0ad1ng nao!!
I really should have hit you with a hammer when I could D:
Can't touch this!DeSeRtFoX YoU ArE BeInG SiLlY!