One can return?

Posted by PY on Feb. 21, 2008, 4:19 a.m.

Yes one can, return from the city of London, I mean.

One can be in London for up to 6 days, and not get mugged, so it's a good thing I left after 5, though a pity I didn't get to ride the London Eye. Yes, it's a great big eye, like in lord of the rings, hovering over london. <_<

Anyway, despite my train being given a place to stay seven seconds before getting into the station, I made it back.

Not that I noticed any train journey, I was too busy playing the new Advance wars, which apart from being all emo-y in the story, is a joy to play with the stylus controls, and retains all of the depth it used to have. Win. Plus, it's online. Epic win.

On a note of some epics, I went to the nation gallery (paintings, duh) and saw… wait for it… a Van Gough doll. With a detachable ear. Seriously, I've got a pic on my phone, I'll upload it later. I also saw a sign advertising epic save, but it's not as funneh.

Still, woo for being back in a nice city, where the number of busses driven by what I assume to be madmen is kept to a minimum, and cars are allowed on the roads. I saw about 10 cars in London. Mad. Ness.


edmunn 17 years ago

I went to London once…

PY 17 years ago

Was it fun? No.

marbs 17 years ago

At primary school I used to visit London once a fortnight. One time me and my friends got split from the rest of the group and got left on our own at charing cross station for about an hour, during which I got falsely accused of shoplifting by a policeman. =(

PY 17 years ago

owch. That's a nasty thing to happen in school!

Poor marby…

Vezper 17 years ago

Welcome back PY ^^

PY 17 years ago

Welcome here Vezper!

ESA 17 years ago

Goddam it. Americans never appreciate Europe. I've been to London, and it's a great city. Not enough McDonalds there? lol, just used the stereotype card.

PY 17 years ago

Yeah. Excpt there are way too many mcdonCANCERalds.

Castypher 17 years ago

PY 17 years ago