Fad entry #something

Posted by PY on March 19, 2008, 5:04 p.m.

Haven't made a frontpaged in a while…

So, here goes nothing:

Phazon Yoshi

Hreat guy, seriously.


Marbs is really quite cool, always keeps his head, and even when he's saying something's crap, does it with style, so you barely know he's done it. (Don't forget his trademark =))


George can be a bit of a noob sometimes, but is generally a good guy.

Great drawer, though I'm annoyed he game up on 64DEP


Um… who?


Don't really know edmunn that well, but he tends to be a good guy. Not too active lately, though.


Another person who seems to be inactive lately :(


Haha, I never used to like him, his avatar always stuck me as weird, then he changed it. Makes good posts, though seems to have vanished.


Making his site, hosting mine, and a good guy.

About my age, too, and english, so how can he go wrong? XD


One of the few normal female members, and TG's ex-girlfriend. She left :(



Seriously, check serprex's blog, most days there's a little update on whatever is begin worked on at that point, together with random, witty, or insightfull points on life generally. Or links to weird things on the net, either or.


Van is cool, yeah/


Writes long, interesting blogs, and should keep it up. One of the few people who can get away with having numbers in their name.


Makes brilliant blogs about his life, his country, and whatever crap his government is pulling now.


AKA game pwner, but better now. Thinks he's better than he is, but he's not bad.

French Napalm

Frenchie is one of the people I talk to most on MSN, he can be a bit random (ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, bananaphone!), and don't check his projects, it doesn't have out of context quotes. <_<


Where are my free man sprites, you!


Think he's grounded or something.

Have yet to play him on counter strike.


Oh, arcy :(

Shadow Yoshi

No clue where he's gone, but he occasionally came up with something lulzworthy, when he wasn't bitching that x, y or z was broken.


Cna be exceptionally random, and is cheif spammer of the forums, but is quite cool.


What can one say about obel? Good user, there.


This'll be controversial. I… like… geargod.

Maybe it's being on IRC, but he's a good guy really. (Had some fun during the last staff wars)


He's an eagly!

Regular on the IRC, his name goes with anything (eatgly, awaygly, basketballgly, etcgly) and is also cool.

Dr. Trogdor

Trog is… dunno, don't really know him that well.




He sand my song, has an awesome accent, makes great blogs, and should be in IRC more!


Beat me in the 64compo, not that I'm bitter, his was better than mine.

Name still gold, cool guy, too.


GHG is a regular in the IRC, is english, and can be a tad immature (Did someone say sexual innuendo? No, innuendo's subtle) but is a good laugh mostly.


Who the fu- oh, it's ronnica. No, I'm not weird and stalky, Ronnicca named me on her blog, I felt obliged :)


urr… ohyeah, he said I was cool, and got publicly mocked ^_^


I think josh is a pretty cool guy, makes ENIGMA, talks to me on MSN, isn't full of himself, and doesn't afraid of anything.

Whew, Over. (Just done my friends list, might do others later.


marbs 16 years, 11 months ago

Is the list in any particular order? =P

PY 16 years, 11 months ago

Whatever order my friends list was in, i.e., seemingly random?

(See, marbs' trademaprk =p is there, too)

Josea 16 years, 11 months ago

It is not random, I think it is in the order you added the people in it.

s 16 years, 11 months ago


Omega_Squid 16 years, 11 months ago

Quite indubitably my good man.

sirxemic 16 years, 11 months ago



PY 16 years, 11 months ago


Flea1991 16 years, 11 months ago

Damn, you listed a fucking mother-load of people, Phazon.

Robineivets 16 years, 11 months ago

Hmm…was calling Phazon cool worth it…