Is still a while off, I must beat ronnica, you sexually limited users, you.
I'm-a gonna need a topic, no?Todays topic is thus - my very old games.As in, the first games I made that weren't 1945 edits.Firstly, I must point out that I had no reliable or fast connection to the internet when I was learning things, so no one has ever been shocked by these before, and the world (Or most of it) missed my noob stage, getting the much better phazon yoshi. or av2, as I was once known <_<.-The stick man seriesI was so proud of these ^_^Sure, none of them are graphically brilliant , or well coded, but they helped me learn ^_^Also my first crappy platform engine.My metroid games.Deary me, these are almost all awfull.I think ttep is in there somewhere, but I'm not sure…And then the rest, I've kinda lost heart a bit ;_;Why the hell, when I upload files to my site can I not access them? Can anyone offer insight?
I just hit 27k hits =), I can't believe it.
I was racing Ronnica to 5K. I won too. =)
After all, hits are important.
How many do I have? I'm too lazy to check.
That's 20 more k than me, josea!
@Squeel, ^_^@Poly, when racing girls, yes.@Red, less than me.I'm just about at 20k and haven't made a front paged blog in ages =)
But you're marbs.
Ah, I forgot that Ronnica was a girl.
I'm nearing 25k