... Best GM game ever made?

Posted by PY on April 23, 2008, 11:22 a.m.

(Everyone do it, it might impact ronnica's hits)

No 3D rubbish, I'm talking what GM was MADE for.

2D, sprite based games, while some love them, and some think they're old and dated, it's a graphical style that works, and never gets old.

Think about this, SNES games don't look like they have crap graphics, whereas PS1/N64 era games look blurry, with low poly counts. Games like ocarina of time show that this need'nt impact on the gameplay, but it does make them look a bit rubbish.

Anyway, back on point, recently, a trailer for what could be the most technically advanced GM game ever made was released, here's a link

Go on, watch it, I'll still be here when you get back. I promise not to go on until you return.

Back? Good.

Looks good, doesn't it? Unfortunately, all a trailer really shows is the graphics, even zelda: faces of evil could be made to look above OH MY GOD IT'S SO FRIGGING BAD territory.

However, during my frequent conversations over AIM with Von, I've come to learn that he truly understands what makes a game frigging great. Gameplay. While the graphics are important to him, they're only important in the sense that he wants the game to be as good as it can be. Not only that, but he's an old-school hardcore gamer, who loves Metroid.

(For anyone who hasn't played super metroid, go off and do it now, it's one of the best games ever made)

SR388 is going to be like SM, very explore-y, but also more action packed, within the overall context of the game. Also, there is a LOT of innovation, the stuff you see in the trailer is barely scratching the surface of it.

Also, it should run at 60fps on most reasonably modern machines, thanks to Von's abilities with ASM, he has been able to code a full movement and collision engine, and probably a lot more, entirely from scratch.

So, to recap, here is a damn awesome game. Based of a damn awesome series. By a damn awesome guy. Who is a damn awesome programmer.

Guess how long it's taken him to get this far, 2, 3 years? 4? Nope, about 8 months.

~PY (Quitting his PR job next blog)


stampede 16 years, 9 months ago


F1ak3r 16 years, 9 months ago

Sounds fantabulous.

PY 16 years, 9 months ago

25 hits in almost an hour.


Yeah, I can't frigging wait for it, seriously.

edmunn 16 years, 9 months ago

…Yeah, might do…

JW 16 years, 9 months ago

It does look real good, but it's a bid sad if the best gm game ever made is a so called ripoff of an already existing series.

Rolf_Soldaat 16 years, 9 months ago

It's still a fangame…

PY 16 years, 9 months ago

@Nobody, yeah, it's not a good thing for GM, really.

This guy could make an awesome original game, but then it wouldn't be metroid. <_<

@Rolf, you missed the point, didn't you? It's a GOOD fangame, that makes it like unicorns, and fairy dust, except less common.

Alpha Man 16 years, 9 months ago

The best GM games are Megabot, Mage Craft, and Mega Man Paradise. Don't be silly. Also you have some of the silliest tastes in games I've seen on this entire site lol.

sirxemic 16 years, 9 months ago

I would rather say that's an advanced indie game. Of course, then it's also, automatically, an advanced GM game since it's made in GM.

Whether it's GM or not, it doesn't matter actually. It's just a tool. There are a lot of GM users who have the skills to program a game like that, but perseverance is another key you should be take into account as well.

PY 16 years, 9 months ago

@Alpha, best current, they're not holy grails. Also, whats wrong with my love of 2D sprite based adventure-exploration games?

@C-A, Too true, yeah. It's a damn big project, and that's exactly why I say von is one of the few who could pull it off.