Posted by PY on June 22, 2008, 11:53 a.m.

BITCH ITS EASY is a great phrase.

Let us dip into my PMs, and look at the creator of that meme.

(Yes, Obel, PMs probably don't count as content. This time, read my blog, and see the content bit later, mmmkay?)

Read it backwards.


yea thanx for settin me straight tho

Original message from PY:


> Ah well, guitar hero never really worked on PC, anyway.


> Original message from DeathandGrim:

> —————-

> > ah well I already trashed the project due to a mysterious slowdown messin up the tracks

> >

> > Original message from PY:

> > —————-

> > > I'm-a joke, I'm afraid.

> > > (Sad face)

> > >

> > > Original message from DeathandGrim:

> > > —————-

> > > > Hahaha shit I like yo style son, I like yo style. Of course the donkey thing threw me off, and my moms shes 40 so uh be a M.I.L.F. if you want.

> > > >

> > > > Anyways my banner I alredy changed dat that was a filler for now, I got new one. Now You seem to be able to code well, at least better than me.

> > > >

> > > > I need lines of code, and you didn't read I said it was a jerk off of GH cause I'm a huge fan.

> > > >

> > > > Now I ain't got nothin against you I just need ideas sometimes and when people come at me like dat I get heated. Now I'll ask again: Are you going to help? or are you going to Joke?

> > > >

> > > > Original message from PY:

> > > > —————-

> > > > > Please, if you're going to attempt to flame me, use words acceptable in the English language, it's what most of us speak.

> > > > >

> > > > > Just for the record, I do enjoy a bit of donkey on the side, but I don't see what that has to do with you.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm here to be a community member, and if I want to 'b fukin comin at [you]', I'll do as I damn well please, thanks. Your idea is blatently stolen, your writing moronic, your coding prowess small, and I had sex with your motherr last night, just to top it off.

> > > > >

> > > > > Original message from DeathandGrim:

> > > > > —————-

> > > > > > U suk donkey dick mane. U goin joke me or help me? If u here to joke don't b fukin comin at me.

This next one greatly amused me

like your blogs are bigger than mine? man. Get correct

This was after telling DeathandGrim that his front paged blog of about five lines was too short. My unfronted blogs, of similar length, were all he saw, and decided to act like the idiot he is (Yes, I'm going somewhere with this)

to be clear I actually do have mental issues if that wasn't obvious already. I joined hear 2 years ago and just got back on my account. So yea I kinda fresh to this thing, but yes settled.


Original message from PY:


> You speak perfect English, do you?

> Then do so. Also, read these, don't PM people saying 'You are wrong because you do the same thing!¬!!!!!1', and stop acting like a total fucking moron.


> I realise this may be hard for you, especially that last point, but just keep at it, and you might not come across as somebody who doesn't understand what the internet is. Believe me, those e-pixies are harsh when they want to be.


> In conclusion, I will stop annoying you (By giving you… advice…), when you start acting like a person without mental issues. Settled?


> Original message from DeathandGrim:

> —————-

> > You are quite the annoyance there bro. Listen I have a life, I speak perfect English(…and little Hatian), so why must you still say somethin about me? On a game maker site no less?

Ya, people annoy me when they say they can speak English, but choose not to. It's not a mobile phone keypad, people! It is a proper keyboard, there is absolutely no excuse for typing as if you're fresh from the GMC.

This next one physically injured me. I fell off my chair.

Bearing in mind this is the guy who coined BITCH ITS EASY,


Now here's advice for you: Stop giving me old ass advice I already know. Chances are I'm either screwing around or noticed the mistake already. So sit ya ass down, shut up, and play your Bioshock.

Ps. How is that game? I haven't played it

And take that stupid ass rap shit off ya got damn blogs. It's fucking annoying as hell seriously.

Don't make fun of the Hip-Hop Nation there's too many of us for you to take on.

Don't make fun of the Hip-Hop Nation there's too many of us for you to take on.

Shit, guys, we'd better run, or the HIP HOP NATION will get us!

They're so awesome, they're not on any map, despite apparently being an entire nation of hip-hoppers!

So yeah. Sorry, Deathy, I had to use you as an example, but now I'll go somewhere with this.

Dear all people who are very new to the site;

When an older member (Older relatively, not saying I'm an old member, only been here for two years, after all) gives you a piece of advice, especially one that is basicly just pointing to a rule, it is best to take it, instead of blatantly disregarding it, acting like an idiot, and then, with the smallest of very circumstantial evidence, accusing them of being a hypocrite. NOT A GOOD IDEA, 'BRO'.

I'd nothing against Deathy here (sorry to keep using you as an example), but he has, almost with intent, turned me against him, by disregarding not only my advice, but other members' (member's? F1ak3r, help me out here) advice, and going as far as to call me an homosexual idiot, who is also attracted to animals, and is a hypocrite. Nice going, he's been active for a week, and pissed off a good few members, and gotten himself 2 warns. I imagine for having many short blogs on the front page. Maybe he should have taken my advice?

So yes, new members beware, the older members DO know more about how the site rolls than you.

Alright, I'll admit it. This blog was just a big excuse to say BITCH ITS EASY, and bring 'Don't make fun of the Hip-Hop Nation there's too many of us for you to take on.' into the open, but I think people really should take note. Especially the bit about writing, does it really save enough time speaking like the millionth monkey at the millionth typewriter for it to be worthwhile?

Sure, it's possibly easier, if you're used to that sort of thing, and your keyboard might last longer, you're hitting fewer keys, after all, but you look like an idiot!

Entirely at deathy, pay attention, don't flame the blog, I'm sick of you, pull your socks up, or your comments get deleted.

Anyway, Hi guys, I'm doing fine, got a lot more spare time now, and really need to get back into programming.

I figure GM is the easiest way to get back into the flow of it, but… I don't have an idea. Somebody give me an idea that'll light up that fire again.


Killpill28 16 years, 7 months ago


Why can't everybody just not care?

Than again, I'm breaking my own rule.

Hypocrites for the win.

s 16 years, 7 months ago

I heard this nice rap once. Was about mountain people who had some happy thing with a mountain, but then people came and mined the mountain and they all got sad. Was a good one

Snakeman 16 years, 7 months ago

^ i lol'd

Killpill28 16 years, 7 months ago

I like that "rap".

Cesar 16 years, 7 months ago

There's a similar rock song to that, it was about native Americans sufferring under the white explorers, it was by iron maiden.


blueBX 16 years, 7 months ago


I'm all for rock but not all rap sucks. Go look up Immortal Technique, Talib Kwali, Jedi Mind Tricks, and Common,

PY 16 years, 7 months ago

Oh, I guess I win. :D

Also, this has more comments than my still alive rip off, which got 60-something <_<

Juju 16 years, 7 months ago

We need anti-warn, green pips, to show who the respected users are.

PY 16 years, 7 months ago

Actually, that is a good idea.

frenchcon1 16 years, 7 months ago

I don't give a fuck about a damn game making site. I'm here to post games and shit, not make nerdy online enemies like you.

lolwut, you're on a gamemaking site to make games but you hate it


drugs sex money

and black people