I made a thing, could you guys test it for me

Posted by PY on July 20, 2011, 3:58 p.m.

So hey. I made a thing. It's called TWiME, and it attempts to emulate the behavior of a Tiling Window Manager for MS Windows.

I'd like people to test it for me. It works on my machine, and it works on a fresh VM, and it works on somebody else's machine, and it works on sirXemic's machine, but 4 testers isn't really enough, so I'm throwing out a beta!

Any feedback at all is greatly appreciated, bug reports moreso.

You can download a binary here

Or (preferred) if you have a copy of Visual Studio, grab the source from (https://github.com/Phoshi/TWiME)my github page. (Https url tags don't work? Jesus fucking christ, 64d, that's not goddamn hard)

Make sure to read the readme!

Known Issues:

Occasionally window resizing doesn't take. I'm still considering how best to handle this, but for now any action that results in a layout refresh will fix it - that's moving windows about, switching tags, stuff like that.

Killing it, either by killing the process or hitting Stop in VS will strand all the hidden windows and leave your taskbar invisible. This is not something I can work around, so please don't kill it. Quit with Win-Q, it'll reshow all hidden windows and restore your taskbar.

Anyway, any testing is greatly appreciated, ta!

(Feel free to discuss UI design paradigms, too)

EDIT: Cesque reports Bad Things from WinVista - an XP tester would be appreciated too!


JuurianChi 13 years, 7 months ago

Works nicely, Until Tweetdeck pops something up and then whatever is in full screen drops down.

I'm on windows 7.

PY 13 years, 7 months ago

"Whatever it is in full screen"?

In any case, that's what the TWiMErc is for - unfortunately I can't progmatically know whether a window is a makeshift notification or a regular window, so I have little choice but to treat everything with a regular window's border as a tile-able window. Still, that's why the TWiMErc exists, partially, so you can define per-window behaviour such as ignoring it completely.

JuurianChi 13 years, 7 months ago

Ah, Okay I get it.

PY 13 years, 7 months ago

I realise none of y'all care, but would a screenshot tempt you?