Research fun

Posted by Pandaroo_Fang on Jan. 25, 2006, 8:53 p.m.

Wrote a new entry in my sitdiary, tis about Elizabeth Bathory, the "Bloody Countess".

<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

Don't know if anyone here knows who she is but, yeah. Must do Vlad Dracula, "The Impaler" dun dun dun. But I do him later cause Mythbusters on :3

And to prevent constant blogs of mine appearing, I shall just EDIT this entry and put Vlad's link here. Yeah, anyway.

Ahhh my wisdom teeth are arising from their gummy graves and it's itchy and hurts when I yawn >.<;; Blast thee impacted teeth!!

EDIT: Ahhh Criss Angel is awsome…

AHHHH I LOVE LONG HAIR!!!! *drool*…………… >.>


DSG 19 years ago

yeah i heard about this. lol wicked stuff.

Alpha Man 19 years ago

Reminds me of that time… oh wait I forget.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

Hell yeah it is :3 I must also do an entry on torture devices… they're all kool. She used to use the Iron Maiden too…sucks for people in there x_o

DSG 19 years ago

lol the rack and WATERBOARDING! appearently the cia was caut using it but every1 in the gov knew it nd it was illegal. its where they put u ona see saw kinda thing nd put u above water. if u dont talk they will release the othe end of the board, then u plunge in2 the water. theyll keep u under till u start to drowned and then pull u out. theyd keep doin this until you talk another 1 is where they choke u and pour gallons of water on u 2 simulate drowning to death. another was where they'd put u in a capsule thing nd tie u up to a boat nd drag u around at like 85 mph! other 1s r the basics: days of light and food deprivation

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

Yeah, I've heard of those methods as well. But I'm more into the ones where they stretch and break the bodies, and one where they'd tie people by the ankles and tie a stone around their neck and leave them hanging. Then people would scratch the persons body with things called "cat paws" they were small metal rakes and leave the person hanging, flies would get to the wounds and stuff. Awsomely icky.

DSG 19 years ago

crazy :) criss angel? like the illusion dude? lol OFF TO GOOGLE!

DSG 19 years ago

lol nd yeah DONT FUCK WITH SATEN lol

tjg92 19 years ago

Torture dosen't even work though, because if you don't say you did it, they keep torturing you, so it's like you HAVE to be guilty.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

Hell yeah it's crazy…. I tried googling it to see if they had any images or anything of torture >.> but yeah only old drawings v.v It's weird how in movies whenever i see gore and stuff I hide but I'm constantly looking on google for smashed heads and impaled bodies… yay lol. And yes, ^-^ him. Love his stunts and his illusions… and HIS HAIR…ahhh

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

Well, for the people torturing it works lol as long as they get someone guilty. But it's not really…. the outcome that matters… I just like hearing about the way it was used. Cruel since people suffered immensly on there before final death, but intruiging none the less