
Posted by Pandaroo_Fang on Jan. 28, 2006, 6:08 p.m.

For once, PS is ticking me off… and my lack of imagination…. just…*twitch*. I don't even feel like posting it up when it's done I'm sure it'll be that bad >.<;;

Turning off the TV would probably help, but but but…. I don't know. I REAAALLY wish I had an effing camera… have so many more things to work with. But noooo, two years of birthdays ignored e_e *hisss* And so I only have me oogly face and google to work with. *sigh*. Something's poking my brain… ahhh!! TV is horrifying…freezes my brain and keeps me watching e_e


Kaz 19 years ago

Refuse to do what comes easy to me? Then thats like, stopping everything I do!!!

Weeee Im moving onto flash when I get back to school!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rez 19 years ago

what are you watching? i can't find anything good on. X_X

Kaz 19 years ago

Cuz tv blows.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

no I mean you can help bragging, you just refuse too, cause…cause… i said so. Yay :3

Nothing you'd wanna watch lol, I'm on TLC watching like… home make over shows. Nothing good is on till night time…wee

Rez 19 years ago

TLC, lol.

trading spaces owns! :O

not really…

Kaz 19 years ago

Not at really late night time, like 3am. Nothing but infomercials. I wonder how insomniacs keep busy…

Rez 19 years ago

i don't know, selling drugs is a good hobby maybe they do that.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

I like trading spaces… >.> and clean sweep…and while you were out… just not like all in row like now T__T cant get away.

And yes, there are good shows, just gota know what channels to go to. And we do pretty much anything we'd do any other time… find something to keep us un-bored…. I hate when I get insomnia… feel like a zombie the next time…..

weee Disturbed

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

yeeeah…good hobby….sure

Rez 19 years ago

i hope you know i was being sarcastic.