Me too me too!

Posted by Pandaroo_Fang on Jan. 30, 2006, 11:04 p.m.

I've seen at least three people explain their names, so out of my sheer bordem and loneliness, I shall too!

Panda- why the FUKC do you think? :3 i'm obsessed

roo- sounded good after panda :3

and and and

fang- for me obession with vampires.

Yaaay! I did it. I shall edit this entry tommorrow to spare another usless entry. Weee.


melee-master 19 years ago

Maybe roo should stand for a kangaroo. A pandaroo!

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

o_O odd…. half kangaroo….half panda… ooOOOOoo lol yay!

membrain 19 years ago

I once had a cup-cake with lil' panda faces painted on them with frosting… they were so cute, then I took a big chunck out the corner of it's head… It was good….. chocolate mmmmm

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago


that makes me wanna go "awww" but laugh at the same time… soo lmawww

lol poor pandies…. knowing me i woulda sarran wrapped one and kept it with my panda stuff >.>

membrain 19 years ago

wow… i'm gonna remember that: lmawww! LoL

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

Yaay, i've implanted a memory within the crevices of your brain :3

membrain 19 years ago

Oh no… I dunno wut that means, but it sure don't sound healthy @_@

LoL… j/k

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

I'm engraved in your brain…FOREVER…bwahahahaha

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

lmao I'm watching outrages TV moments, one of them theres a guy reporting and theres a guy in the back holding his little black dog and the reporters like "sometimes we wonder why people treat their animals so well…. but to some people their animals are *fades off to blurr*" and right at "are" the guy in the background drops his dog xD

membrain 19 years ago

Oh man! LoL… that's horrible