Yay le fresh entre

Posted by Pandaroo_Fang on May 2, 2006, 5:26 p.m.

Heelu evyone…well I'm oopdating..finally :3

Erm…for photoshop:

I made this..well not really much so, more like I MESSED with this a little while ago.. was bored and all un-inspired so I started messing with the photo and as you can see I only managed to do something with the eyes (and magically better my face a bit ;D lol) There's a light-gray version of it too, but im too lazy to get it on photobucket xP either way I think it came out pretty nice.

<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h266/Pandaroo_fang/babyblueyes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

And this… <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h266/Pandaroo_fang/card.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

My tacher wants me to do a playing card of someone one…you know, make them a queen, king or some…card, so I'm dong Seven Spades… unless she makes me do queen instead ~.~ Uhm, that's what I've done for now… I'm going to put Elizabeth Bathory on there though. For anyone who doesn't know who she is, she was a very wealthy countess, also known as the "Blood Countess". She lived around the 1600's… and anyway, later in life she began doing witchcraft with her servents and such, and then realised she was starting to lose her beauty and so turned to a very gruesome method of keeping her "youth." She believed the blood of young, beautiful girls would keep HER young and beautiful and so she used to lure them into her castle or caputre them, torture then and then kill them, draining their blood into her bath. Theen she, herself, bathed in their blood. She was eventualy found out and imprisoned in her own castle where she died, alone. Haha, quick history. Yay. Oh she had been known to have sex with her lesbian aunt…. random input from all the vampirism and witchcraft.

Anyway yes, that is something in progress.

Oh oh and I made mahself a new bannew :3

Alrighty… let's see…Well, me and my bf got back together. Problems are going ok, being fixed, ALOT less arguing just…. not as wonderful as it used to be. I can deffinately say I'm not that …happy. I don't know, he's gotten really snappy, serious and honestly… quite boring. He really doesn't want to do anything, anytime I suggest we go out, even for something small, he'll give me this look like "why??" Don't mean to sound complainy, but he used to be fun, used to want to spend so much time together… we had fuuun. Now it's like…. all dried out and dead =/ And of course when I tell him this I get the usual "I',m sorry, I don't know what happened to us" And he assumes that satisfies me and drops it. Don't know what happened to him… to US. I really don't know what to do now…. I love him, really do… just don't love our relationship. I'ts poo :I

Uhm…aside from that last night was stressful. We had a budget plan project due today, where we choose a job (pardon me if I've already told you all this) and buy a car, a house, furniture, insurance, pay bills all on our yearly and monthly budget. I had my own digital imaging business, so I gained about 90,000 a year and about 7,000 a month. So I got myself a 66 Mustang, pretty 2 bed, 2 bath house (I'm single and aloone :3) in Santa Barbara (it had a DEN :o) Which cost me like 300,000 … 1,000 monthly…. errrm. and I bought all my furniture, 6,990 totall but like 116 a month. Yeah…. soo I did all that (still had 2,000 left after :3 mwaha). And yeeeah… wasn't fun. Had to keep asking my parents about insurances, money and all this stuff so it took a little longer than planned. THen I started making pictures on photoshp of my rooms and house (and this was at like…11 p.m. mind you) BUT…. then when I tried to burn the files onto a CD to open and print at school (almost around midnight) THE FILES ERASED! Oh what joy you think I must've felt at this! Yes… quite happy I was… :I So there was an hour of my pointless life pointlessly wasted. So then I went to take a shower to try and relax… didnt work… THEN i realized i hadn't done the Wrap-Up yet!! Woooo… alriiight! So Had to spend about 20 minutes doing that…. then…and this is the fun part :D We had to make a spread sheet of our date (the finances and stuff) I dl it from the school net library, and all I was supposed to do was copy from there and paste onto excel….sound easy yes? NO! Turns out the program that the sample spread sheet was opening on, was a program that was ALREADY EXPIRED ON MY DADS COMPUTER!! Yaaaay… SO all the commands were gone, couldnt copy…and so…couldnt do the spread sheet ^^ So I had to wait till the morning, at school to do that. You can imagine how happy and cheerful I was at this point, lost photoshop work, couldnt do the spread sheet, tired, eyes bruning and then wonderfully enough… I find out I cant find my PE clothes.. Woo!! Even BETTER.. i needed them the next day!! EFF YEAH! :DD Soooo…. go in the morning to school, to the class i usually do, all ready to type up my data for print…Mr.Gold's not there. My days starting out beautifully…. Finally he gets there, he lets me stay on into the class to input everything, i get it done. Then I find out I need a print out of my house and car (lost the link to the car btw :3) So I get back on…get the house, and have to turn in the project at the end of the day cause I had to find the car again. Didnt dress for PE, lost points.

MMmm ^^ best day of my LIFE. Oh oh and I broke my 20/20 streak on my quizzes cause I couldnt concentrate and landed a gorgeous 14/ 20 :)

So I'm all happy ^^

Ah…there…release lol. Sorry,… i was ready to rip my hair out last night though. mmmm hmmm.

Thinks thats…OH!! I got my class ring on Saturday!! Woo! Its purtyful and FAT. The stone is purple (alexandrite) but it changes colors in the light…so itll be green and gray and blue…awsome. AND IT SAYS PANDA!!!!! ^o^

OKies..leave you here. Toodles!


firestormx 18 years, 9 months ago

Heh heh, the picture looks awesome.

When he gives you that "why" look, go all psycho-girl on him. "Don't you give me that look! You are coming with me to wherever I want to go, and damnit, you're going to make me enjoy it!"

Also, that sucks about your work being so…Crappy. Oh the frustratoins of having a computer.

membrain 18 years, 9 months ago

Thats a whole lot os stuff…

days like that suxor bigtime…

but that new ps edit is friken TIGHT!… I'm very tempted to "brush it up" But I won't x_-


thats a whooooooole lot'a pandas @_@

melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago

Awesome eye edit, they're liked frosted blue. Blue rules, but so does black.

Anyways, as for the relationship, I'd go with Rob's advice. If you "bug" him or "drag" him out places, he'll probably go, and maybe like it.

Kaz 18 years, 9 months ago

Cool blue eyes. Pandas in bottom right!

Nice card, I guess. lol

I wish our teacher made us do stuff that actually required thought.

Rez 18 years, 9 months ago

panda, you are so fine! XD

Pandaroo_Fang 18 years, 9 months ago

Aww I forgot completely to point out my pandas! lol but obviously you all noticed anyway so it's ok. Yes..my panda collection :3 love it so. NEEDS MORE! e_e

@Robbie and M&m: I shall try that next time… if force does not work….we are dooooomed. Shall nag though :3

@membrain: lol go ahead… edit aaaaall you like.

@Kaz: why wait when you can work on it yourself:P

@Rez: xD…thank…you? lol

membrain 18 years, 9 months ago


@Robbie and M&m

that's classic "M&m"

I can use quotes now… so im going mad with it…. MAAAAAAAAAD I TELL YOU!!!

I farted like WHOA!
thats a quote from a friend in 12th grade ;0)…. ah good times *tear*

Pandaroo_Fang 18 years, 9 months ago

raaaandom lol

Juju 18 years, 9 months ago

Need to cut down on the crack membrain.

membrain 18 years, 9 months ago

crack… I know nothing of the sort *cough… white cloud* ummm…. Ignor that, you saw nothing!