Panithadrum is growing!

Posted by Panithadrum on Dec. 1, 2007, 4:54 p.m.

First of all, I am retired of the competition. I have to time because I am doing music and I have to study my career… Also there is no time for make the game I would like to make. enough said about the competition…

Hell yeah! My music is going better!

My last song is…

Este mundo

Means "this world". I am trying to make a lyric. It is going to say how bad the world is going to.

The best I can say is… that my favourite bands will give me a remix-set for me! I can do a remix of one of their songs, and if it's good enough, they will put it into one of their EPs.

That's sooo cooool. Also, Acylum is going to do a remix of Sad situation… oh my god, I am very excited!!

Will panithadrum be famous in the dark electro scene? Nobody knows… :D:D That's the best opportunity of my life..!

Oups I forgot. I will do a Vicious alliance remix. The song is called Loyalty to the cause. It's not in their myspace profile because is a new song :)

See you gamemakers!


Bryan 17 years, 2 months ago

What do you use to make musics?

Ronnica 16 years, 10 months ago

I bookmarked your last song. I'm still listening to it. Its awesome!! I'm impressed!